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1. **藏獒(藏犬)**:被认为是祥瑞的象征,通常代表着权力、财富和保护。养一只藏獒可以为家庭带来安全感和稳定感。

2. **中华田园犬**:这种土狗是中国的本土品种,被认为是吉祥的象征,代表着忠诚、勇敢和家庭团结。养一只中华田园犬可以增加家庭的和睦和幸福感。

3. **斑点狗**:在一些地区,斑点狗也被认为是吉祥的象征,代表着幸福、好运和快乐。这种活泼友好的狗可以为家庭带来欢乐和活力。



In Chinese traditional culture, earthy dog is regarded as lucky animal and lucky other people normally, and the earthy dog of different breed also has different indicative sense. The demand that chooses to raise dog of which kinds of earth to need to consider a family with flourishing luck and individual be fond of. For example:

1.** hides mastiff (Tibetan dog) ** : What be considered as auspicious sign is indicative, representing influence, fortune and protection normally. Raise mastiff of a Tibet to be able to think the family brings safe feeling and stable sense.

2.** China is rural canine ** : Dog of this kind of earth is native land breed of China, be considered as symbolize luckily, representing unite loyally, bravely with the family. Raise a China what rural dog can raise a family is harmonious with happy feeling.

3.** of ** stain dog: Be in a few areas, stain dog also is considered as symbolize luckily, representing happy, lucky with joy. This kind of lively and friendly dog can bring joy and vitality for the family.

As a whole, sort of choice land dog comes the actual condition of character of the culture setting that flourishing luck wants to consider an individual, breed and family, the key depends on establishing good relationship with dog dog, go caressing them with love and consideration.
