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  • 失眠是一种睡眠障碍,其特征是难以入睡、保持睡眠或两者兼有,导致睡眠质量或数量不足。失眠可能由多种因素引起,包括压力、焦虑、抑郁、疾病、药物、咖啡因和环境因素。失眠对个人的日常生活有重大影响,影响他们的情绪、能量水平和整体健康。重要的是要通过适当的睡眠卫生、放松技巧或必要时的医疗干预来解决失眠问题。
    Insomnia is a sleep disorder characterized by difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or both, leading to insufficient sleep quality or quantity. It can be caused by various factors, including stress, anxiety, depression, medical conditions, medications, caffeine, and environmental factors. Insomnia can have a significant impact on a person's daily life, affecting their mood, energy levels, and overall health. It's important to address insomnia with proper sleep hygiene, relaxation techniques, or medical intervention if necessary.  


    - Insomnia(失眠): A sleep disorder that makes it hard to fall asleep or stay asleep. - Sleep disorder(睡眠障碍): A condition that disrupts normal sleep patterns. - Sleep hygiene(睡眠卫生): Practices and habits that promote good sleep. - Sleep deprivation(睡眠不足): A condition that results from not getting enough sleep. - Sleep apnea(睡眠呼吸暂停): A serious sleep disorder where breathing repeatedly stops and starts. - Restless leg syndrome(不安腿综合症): A condition that causes an irresistible urge to move the legs, often worse at night. - Sleepwalking(梦游): A sleep disorder that causes people to walk or perform other complex behaviors while asleep. - Nightmares(噩梦): Vivid, disturbing dreams that can wake someone from sleep. - Sleep paralysis(睡眠瘫痪): A temporary inability to move or speak while waking up or falling asleep.  


    Insomnia has become a common issue in modern society, affecting millions of people worldwide. It's a condition that can be caused by various factors, such as stress from work or personal life, anxiety, or even certain medical conditions. The impact of insomnia on an individual's life can be profound, leading to fatigue, irritability, and a decrease in cognitive function.   失眠已成为现代社会的一个普遍问题,影响着全球数百万人。它可能由多种因素引起,如工作压力或个人生活压力、焦虑或某些疾病。失眠对个人生活的影响可能是深远的,导致疲劳、易怒和认知功能下降。   To combat insomnia, it's essential to establish a regular sleep schedule, create a relaxing bedtime routine, and ensure a comfortable sleep environment. Avoiding caffeine and electronic devices before bedtime can also help. If these measures are not effective, seeking professional help may be necessary.   为了对抗失眠,建立规律的睡眠时间表、创造放松的睡前例行程序以及确保舒适的睡眠环境至关重要。睡前避免咖啡因和电子设备也有助于改善睡眠。如果这些措施无效,寻求专业帮助可能是必要的。   In conclusion, insomnia is a serious concern that should not be overlooked. By taking proactive steps to improve sleep quality, individuals can significantly enhance their overall well-being and quality of life.   总之,失眠是一个不应被忽视的严重问题。通过采取积极措施改善睡眠质量,个人可以显著提高他们的整体福祉和生活质量。