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  • Tulip - 郁金香

  • Bulb - 鳞茎,郁金香生长的部分

  • Bloom - 开花,花朵

  • Petal - 花瓣

  • Stem - 茎

  • Cultivar - 品种,指经过选择性培育的植物种类

  • Garden - 花园

  • Flowerbed - 花坛

  • Horticulture - 园艺学

  • Perennial - 多年生植物


Tulips are one of the most recognized and loved flowers in the world. Originating from Central Asia and the Mediterranean, these vibrant blossoms have become symbolic of spring and rebirth. The name “tulip” comes from the Persian word for turban, which the flowers resemble. Tulips grow from bulbs and come in a wide array of colors, including white, pink, red, yellow, and purple, with either single or double petals.


In the 17th century, the Netherlands experienced a period known as “Tulip Mania,” where tulips were so intensely sought after that they led to a speculative bubble in the market. This period is often cited as an example of the dot-com bubble of the 1990s. Today, tulips are cultivated in many parts of the world and are a staple in many gardens. They are a symbol of perfect love, and a bouquet of tulips is a popular gift for lovers and those celebrating spring.



"Tulips are among the most popular flowers of all time. They are easy to grow, they come in an incredible variety of colors, heights and flower shapes. Some are even fragrant. There are now over 3000 varieties of tulips." 


"The pot, a lush tulip, the flower is black, with scattered petals as black velvet, emitting bursts of fragrance, gladdening the heart." 


"Tulips are the pride of Holland, symbolizing beauty, elegance, and affluence." 


"A field of tulips in bloom is a sight to behold, a sea of vibrant colors that can lift the spirits and bring joy to the heart." 


"Each tulip petal is a brushstroke of nature's artistry, painting the spring landscape with hues of red, yellow, and purple." 


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