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Liza's Personal Information

Read the information about Liza and write a letter to Li Hong, her pen friend.

Age: 15

Sex: Female

Nationality: American

Family: Mother and a puppy

School: American School

Favourite subject: Arts, literature

Interests: Internet, painting

Hi, Lin Hong,

I have learned your name online. I'd like to be your friend.

Let me introduce myself. I'm a girl of fifteen. My name is Liza. I study in American School in Shanghai now. My favorite subjects are arts and literature. I'm interested in China very much. Could I ask you some questions about Chinese later. I'd like to tell you anything about my country - America. I live with my mother and a lovely puppy. Do you like dogs? I like surfing the net and painting pictures. What about you?

Please write to me soon.

Best wishes!




1)introduce myself 作自我介绍

2)a girl of fifteen 一个15岁的女孩

3)in American School in Shanghai 上海的美国学校

4)a lovely puppy 一条可爱的小狗

5)surfing the net 网上冲浪


Personal Information of John Smith

John Smith is a 16-year-old boy born on May 5, 2006, in New York City, USA. He currently resides in Los Angeles, California with his parents and younger sister. John is a student at Lincoln High School, where he is in his sophomore year. He is an excellent student with a particular interest in science and mathematics.

In his free time, John enjoys playing basketball, reading books, and spending time with his friends. He is also a member of the school’s chess club and has won several local chess tournaments. John’s ambition is to become a scientist and contribute to the field of renewable energy.




上一篇:名篇背诵:The Doer of Deeds 实干家