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Approach: 搭讪,接近

Chat up: 和某人聊天,搭讪

Strike up a conversation: 开始一段对话

Break the ice: 打破沉默,破冰

Flirt: 调情,挑逗

Pickup line: 搭讪台词,开场白

Socialize: 社交,交际

Engage: 参与,交流

Initiate contact: 发起联系

Make small talk: 闲聊


"Excuse me, but I couldn't help but notice your smile from across the room."


"Hi there, mind if I join you? I'm looking for some company."


"Do you come here often? I've seen you around and thought I'd finally say hello."


"What brings you to this event? I'm always curious about meeting new people."


"Can I buy you a drink? It's the least I can do for such lovely company."


英语作文:About Chatting Up 搭讪

Chatting up someone can be a nerve-wracking experience, especially if you’re not confident in your social skills. However, it’s a necessary step if you want to make new friends or find a potential partner. Here are some tips on how to chat up someone successfully.

First impressions are important, so make sure you have a confident posture and a friendly smile. Introduce yourself and try to make eye contact. Show genuine interest in the other person by asking open-ended questions and listening attentively to their answers.

It’s important to find common ground, so look for clues about their interests and hobbies. If you can find something you both enjoy, it will make the conversation flow more smoothly. Avoid sensitive topics like politics or religion, and try to keep the conversation light and positive.

If the conversation is going well, don’t be afraid to ask for their contact information or suggest meeting up again. However, respect their boundaries if they’re not interested. It’s important to be persistent but not pushy.

Remember that chatting up someone is a skill that can be improved with practice. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you don’t succeed the first time. Learn from your experiences and try again.








❶ 我可以请你喝一杯吗?Can I buy you a drink?

同类表达 Will you buy me a drink? 你能请我喝一杯吗?

❷ 介意我加入你们吗?Mind if I join you?

对话 A: Mind if I join you? 介意我加入你们吗?

B: Of course not. 当然不介意了。

❸ 嘿,你在等人吗?Hey, are you waiting for someone?

同类表达 Are you expecting someone?

对话 A: Hey, are you waiting for someone? 嘿,你在等人吗?

B: You are sitting in my boyfriend's seat. 你坐在我男朋友的位置上了。

❹ 你相信一见钟情这种事吗?Do you believe in love at first sight?

对话 A: Do you believe in love at first sight? 你相信一见钟情这种事吗?

B: Not really. 不太相信。

❺ 你需要找个人聊聊吗?Do you need someone to talk to?

对话 A: Do you need someone to talk to? 你需要找个人聊聊吗?

B: My friends will come soon. 我的朋友们快来了。

A: Sorry. 抱歉打扰了。

❻ 这个位子有人坐吗?Is this seat taken?

同类表达 May I have the honer of sitting next to you? 我能有幸坐你旁边吗?

对话 A: Is this seat taken? 这个位子有人坐吗?

B: Indeed it is. 确实有人了。

❼ 你常来吗?Do you come here often?

❽ 你愿意和我跳舞吗?Would you like to dance with me?

同类表达 Care to dance with me? 可以跟我跳支舞吗?

对话 A: Would you like to dance with me? 你愿意和我跳舞吗?

B: I'd like to. But I can't dance. 我很乐意,但是我不会跳舞。

A: Let me teach you. 让我来教你。

❾ 我实在太腼腆,不敢接近去和她搭讪。I'm too shy to approach and talk to her.

对话 A: I think the girl over the bar is interested in you. You should talk to her. 我觉得吧台那边的女孩对你感兴趣,你应该过去跟她说话。

B: I'm too shy to approach and talk to her. 我实在太腼腆,不敢接近去和她搭讪。

❿ 你在喝什么?好喝吗?What are you drinking? Is it good?

对话 A: What are you drinking? Is it good? 你在喝什么?好喝吗?

B: It's my last drink. 这是我的最后一杯了。

下一篇:初中英语议论文和说明文:My Pet 我的宠物