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名篇背诵:Reveries 遐想


名篇背诵:Reveries 遐想

Reveries 遐想

威廉·S. 毛姆(William S. Maugham)

When she woke, she rubbed her eyes to gather her senses together and gradually she remembered having gone to the theatre on the previous evening; then suddenly everything came back to her. She stretched out her legs and gave a long sigh of delight. Her heart was full; she thought of Jim, and the delicious sensation of love came over her. Closing her eyes, she imagined his warm kisses, and she lifted up her arms as if to put them round his neck and draw him down to her; she almost felt the rough beard on her face, and the strong heavy arms round her body. She smiled to herself and took a long breath; then, slipping back the sleeves of her nightdress, she looked at her own thin arms, just two pieces of bone with not a muscle on them, but very white and showing distinctly the interlacement of blue veins; she did not notice that her hands were rough, and red and dirty with the nails broken, and bitten to the quick. She got out of bed and looked at herself in the glass over the mantelpiece ; with one hand she brushed back her hair and smiled at herself; her face was very small and thin, but the complexion was nice, clear and white, with a delicate tint of red on the cheeks, and her eyes were big and dark like her hair. She felt very happy.

stretch out 伸展

- reverie [ˈrevərɪ] n. 幻想,梦想

- interlacement [ˌɪntəˈleɪsmənt] n. 交织,交错

- mantelpiece [ˈmæntlpiːs] n. 壁炉架

- complexion [kəmˈplekʃən] n. 面容


威廉·萨姆塞特·毛姆(1874—1965),英国小说家、剧作家、批评家。在其众多的长篇小说中,半自传体小说《人性枷锁》(Of Human Bondage, 1915)集中体现了他的人生哲理,体现了他40年的生活历程。他擅长喜剧、笑剧、情节剧,撰写了三十多部,还有文学评论、游记传世。他的作品题材广,文体美,结构严谨,情节幽默,在全世界读者中享有盛名。
