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初中英语议论文和说明文:Water 水


初中英语议论文和说明文:Water 水

初中英语议论文和说明文:Water 水


Water is very important to living things. Without water there can be no life on the earth. All animals and plants need water. Man also needs water. We need water to drink, to cook our food and to clean ourselves. Water is needed in offices, factories, schools and hospitals.

From space the earth looks like a huge water-covered globe. Water covers about seventy percent of the earth's surface. There is water in oceans, seas, rivers, and lakes. Even in the driest part of the world, there is some water in the air. Water is found almost everywhere.


1)living things 生物

2)there can be no life不可能有生命

3)looks like a huge water-covered globe 看上去像个覆盖水的球体

初中英语作文:Water 水

Water is one of the most important natural resources on Earth. It covers more than 70% of our planet's surface, and it is essential for all living things to survive. However, even though water is so abundant on our planet, only a small percentage of it is available for human use.

The importance of water cannot be overstated. It is necessary for many different purposes, including drinking, cooking, washing, and farming. Without water, we would not be able to grow crops or raise animals for food. In addition, water is used in many industries, such as manufacturing and power generation.

Unfortunately, many people around the world do not have access to clean drinking water. This can lead to serious health problems, such as waterborne illnesses and malnutrition. It is important that we work towards providing clean water for everyone, especially those who live in developing countries.

Furthermore, water is also a finite resource. We must be careful not to waste it or pollute it with harmful chemicals. By conserving water and protecting our water sources, we can ensure that there will be enough clean water for future generations.

In conclusion, water is a precious resource that we should cherish and protect. It is essential for life and plays a crucial role in our daily lives. Let us work towards ensuring that everyone has access to clean water, and that we use this valuable resource wisely. 水是地球上最重要的自然资源之一。它覆盖了我们星球表面的70%以上,对所有生物的生存至关重要。然而,尽管水在我们的星球上如此丰富,但只有一小部分可供人类使用。





上一篇:名篇背诵:The English Character 英国人的性格