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1. **清洁净化:** 在供奉水晶之前,确保将其清洁净化。可以用清水冲洗水晶或者用轻柔的布擦拭干净。然后可以使用熏香、紫外线晒或者放在盐水中净化。

2. **用心准备:** 在供奉水晶之前,先在心中默念一些祈愿或者感恩的话语,向水晶传达你的意愿。

3. **合适的位置:** 将水晶摆放在合适的位置,可以是你的祭坛、工作台或者你感觉舒适的地方。

4. **设置意图:** 在供奉水晶的过程中,设定清晰的意图,告诉水晶你希望它帮助你实现的目标或者承担的任务。

5. **定期照料:** 定期给水晶进行能量补充,可以通过阳光浴、月光浴、洗礼等方式来为水晶注入新的能量。

6. **感恩收尾:** 供奉完水晶后,感恩水晶为你带来的力量和能量,表达你的感激之情。



The means of crystal consecrate because of the person different, but a few common methods can consult:

1.** cleanness purifies: ** is before consecrate is crystal, ensure its cleanness is purified. The cloth that can rinse crystal to perhaps use gentleness with clear water is wiped clean. Can use next fume in sweet, ultraviolet ray is basked in or be being put in brine, purify.

2.** intention prepares: ** is before consecrate is crystal, the silent in preexistence heart reads aloud a few invocatory the speech that perhaps is thankful, xiang Shuijing relays your intention.

3.The place with proper ** : ** puts crystal in proper place, the altar that can be you, workbench or the place that you feel comfortable.

4.** installs an intent: ** is in the process of consecrate crystal, the intent of set clarity, tell crystal you hope it helps the job that the goal that you achieve perhaps assumes.

5.** attends regularly: ** undertakes to crystal energy complements regularly, can be the energy with crystal new infuse through the means such as sunshine bath, moon bath, ablution.

6.** is thankful ending: ** consecrate is over after crystal, be thankful the force that crystal brings for you and energy, express the feeling of your gratitude.

Remember, the most important is establish good connection with crystal, respect its energy and action.
