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1. **维护清洁**: 确保供奉的狮子保持清洁,定期擦拭和清洗以保持其美观。

2. **适当摆放**: 将供奉的狮子放置在合适的位置,通常是在门口或大厅的显眼位置。这样可以展示其威严和保护的象征意义。

3. **尊重传统**: 如果供奉的狮子具有特定的文化或宗教意义,需要遵循相应的传统和仪式。

4. **修复和保养**: 如果供奉的狮子有损坏或磨损,可以考虑修复或进行维护,以保持其完整性和价值。

5. **处理退役**: 如果供奉的狮子不再被需要或者无法修复,可以考虑妥善处理,例如捐赠给博物馆、艺术机构或其他合适的场所,或者进行适当的处置。



What the lion of consecrate is regarded as indicative force, majesty and protection normally is indicative. To handling the lion of consecrate, need respects their symbolic significance, undertake proper processing according to particular case.

1.** safeguards clean ** : Ensure the lion of consecrate keeps clean, be wiped regularly and clean in order to maintain its beautiful.

2.** puts ** appropriately: Place the lion of consecrate in proper place, it is the conspicuous position in doorway or hall normally. Can show the indicative sense of its majesty and protection so.

3.** respects traditional ** : If the lion of consecrate has specific culture or religious sense, need abides by corresponding tradition and ceremony.

4.** rehabilitate and maintain ** : If the lion of consecrate has,wear away, can consider repair or undertake maintenance, in order to hold its integrality and value.

5.** processing retires ** : If the lion of consecrate is needed no longer or cannot repair, can consider appropriate processing, donate museum, artistic orgnaization or other and proper place for example, perhaps undertake dealing with appropriately.

Handle anyhow, should respect its symbolic significance, ensure undertake handling with proper way.
