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Packaging - 包装

Wrapper - 包装纸/包裹物

Container - 容器

Box - 盒子

Bag - 袋子

Label - 标签

Tape - 胶带

Seal - 密封

Cushioning - 缓冲材料

Design - 设计

Branding - 品牌营销

Eco-friendly packaging - 环保包装

Packaging materials - 包装材料

Packaging industry - 包装行业

Packaging standards - 包装标准



 Packaging plays a crucial role in modern life. It not only protects goods but also enhances their attractiveness and competitiveness. For example, exquisite packaging can attract consumers' attention and make them more willing to purchase. At the same time, packaging can convey brand information and product features, helping consumers make purchasing decisions. Additionally, good packaging design can improve the usability of products, making it more convenient for consumers to use them. Therefore, packaging in modern life is not just a simple external wrapping, but an indispensable part of product sales and marketing.



 With the increasingly serious environmental issues, eco-friendly packaging has become more and more important. Traditional packaging materials, such as plastics and foam, have caused serious pollution and damage to the environment. Therefore, finding alternative materials is urgent. Eco-friendly packaging is made from biodegradable or recyclable materials, reducing the negative impact on the environment. In addition, eco-friendly packaging can also enhance the image of companies and attract more environmentally conscious consumers. Therefore, adopting eco-friendly packaging is not only beneficial to environmental protection but also to the sustainable development of enterprises.



❶ 您需要精美包装吗?Do you want elaborate wrapping?

同类表达 Would you like this wrapped fancily?

Do you want exquisite wrapping?

❷ 您想要纸袋还是塑料袋?Do you prefer paper or plastic bags?

同类表达 Would you like paper or plastic bags?

❸ 请分开包装。Wrap them separately, please.

同类表达 Can I have separate bags for each item?

Please wrap them individually.

❹ 请给我一个塑料袋。Please give me a plastic bag.

对话 A: Please give me a plastic bag. 请给我一个塑料袋。

B: Sorry, we only offer paper bags. 抱歉,我们只提供纸袋。

A: Save it then. 那不用了。

❺ 请把价格标签撕掉。Take off the price tag, please.

对话 A: What else can I do for you? 我还能为您做些什么?

B: Take off the price tag, please. 请把价格标签撕掉。

A: OK. 好的。

❻ 我能换一个新的吗?Could I exchange it for a new one?

对话 A: Could I exchange it for a new one? 我能换一个新的吗?

B: Yes. Please wait a moment. 好的,请稍等一会。

A: Thank you. 谢谢。

❼ 请帮我把睡衣包起来。Please wrap up the pajamas for me.

对话 A: Please wrap up the pajamas for me. 请帮我把睡衣包起来。

B: The pajamas can't be returned once you have tried them on. 睡衣一经试穿就不能退了。

❽ 我不要盒子。I don't need the box.

对话 A: Here are your shoes. I have put them into the box. 这是你的鞋,我把它们放进盒子里了。

B: Thanks. But I don't need the box. 谢谢,但是我不要盒子。

❾ 直接给我就行了。Please give it to me directly.

对话 A: Do you need a plastic bag? 需要塑料袋吗?

B: Please give it to me directly. 直接给我就行了。

❿ 包装袋是要收费的。The bags are not free.

对话 A: How many bags do you need? And the bags are not free. 你需要几个袋子?袋子是要收费的。

B: Just one is OK. 一个就够了。

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