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每日翻译: 向麦当劳肯德基这样的快餐厅,目前在中国向雨后春笋般发展起来;中国的传统快餐,像包子、饺子,能不能改进一下,与


每日翻译: 向麦当劳肯德基这样的快餐厅,目前在中国向雨后春笋般发展起来;中国的传统快餐,像包子、饺子,能不能改进一下,与

  • 每日翻译:


    • Fast food chains like McDonald's and KFC are currently flourishing in China like mushrooms after the rain. Can traditional Chinese fast food such as baozi and jiaozi be improved to compete with foreign products?
    • Fast food restaurants such as McDonald's and KFC are rapidly expanding in China, akin to a sprouting growth after the rain. Can traditional Chinese fast food, such as baozi and jiaozi, be revamped to compete with foreign offerings?
    • China is experiencing a rapid boom of fast food chains, including the likes of McDonald's and KFC. Can traditional Chinese fast food, such as baozi and jiaozi, be enhanced to compete effectively with foreign products?
    • With the sudden rise of fast food giants like McDonald's and KFC in China, traditional Chinese fast food such as baozi and jiaozi face the challenge of competing with foreign products. Can they be improved to keep up with the competition?


    Such fast food restaurants as McDonald's and KFC are mushrooming in china. Can Chinese traditional fast food like Baozi and Jiaozi be improved so as to compete with foreign products.

    • such (adv.) - 如此,这样的
    • fast food (n.) - 快餐
    • restaurants (n.) - 餐馆
    • McDonald's (n.) - 麦当劳
    • KFC (n.) - 肯德基
    • mushrooming (v.) - 如雨后春笋般发展
    • in (prep.) - 在
    • China (n.) - 中国
    • can (aux. verb) - 能够
    • Chinese (adj.) - 中国的,中文的
    • traditional (adj.) - 传统的
    • like (prep.) - 像是
    • baozi (n.) - 包子
    • jiaozi (n.) - 饺子
    • be (v.) - 是
    • improved (adj.) - 改进的,提高的
    • so as to (phrase) - 以便,为了
    • compete (v.) - 竞争
    • with (prep.) - 和,与
    • foreign (adj.) - 外国的
    • products (n.) - 产品
    • 形容词性物主代词such的用法:such fast food restaurants
    • 介词as的用法表示举例:such fast food restaurants as McDonald's and KFC
    • 现在进行时的被动语态:are mushrooming
    • can作情态动词表示能力或可能性:can Chinese traditional fast food
    • be动词的用法:be improved
    • 连接词so as to的用法:so as to compete
    • 动词compete的用法,表示竞争:to compete with foreign products
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