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每日翻译: 中国的万里长城是在两千多年前建成的,是在封建王公们为了防御野蛮民族入侵而建筑的城堡连接起来的基础上建成的 。


每日翻译: 中国的万里长城是在两千多年前建成的,是在封建王公们为了防御野蛮民族入侵而建筑的城堡连接起来的基础上建成的 。

  • 每日翻译:

    中国的万里长城是在两千多年前建成的,是在封建王公们为了防御野蛮民族入侵而建筑的城堡连接起来的基础上建成的 。

    • The Great Wall of China, which was built over 2,000 years ago, is a construction that connected various castles built by feudal lords to defend against invasions from barbaric tribes.
    • The Great Wall of China was constructed more than 2,000 years ago by connecting castles built by feudal lords to defend against the invasion of barbaric tribes.
    • The Great Wall of China, completed over 2,000 years ago, was built on the foundation of connecting castles constructed by feudal lords to protect against the invasion of barbaric tribes.
    • Over 2,000 years ago, the Great Wall of China was constructed by linking castles built by feudal lords to serve as a defense against the invasion of barbarian tribes.
    • The Great Wall of China was built more than 2,000 years ago, connecting castles constructed by feudal lords as a defensive measure against the infiltration of barbaric tribes.


    The great wall of china was built more than two thousand years age on the basis of joining together the forts built by feudal lords to protect their land against invasions by barbarians.

    • - The Great Wall of China: 中国长城,是中国最著名的古代防御工事之一。
    • - built: 建造,指修建或创建某物。
    • - two thousand years ago: 两千多年前,指在公元前2世纪左右。
    • - on the basis of: 在...的基础上,表示建立在某一事物的基础之上。
    • - joining together: 连接起来,将多个事物或部分组合成一个整体。
    • - forts: 城堡,指用于防御和保护的堡垒或建筑物。
    • - feudal lords: 封建王公,指古代中国的封建时期的君主或贵族。
    • - protect: 保护,指采取行动以预防或防止某物受到伤害或危害。
    • - invasions: 入侵,指外来势力进入或侵犯他国领土或权益。
    • - barbarians: 野蛮民族,指未开化、粗野或不文明的外族人。
    • The Great Wall of China was built more than two thousand years ago: 这个句子使用了被动语态的过去时态,表示动作的发生是在过去某个时间点。
    • On the basis of: 表示建立在某一事物的基础之上,用来说明长城的建造是在封建王公们建造的城堡的基础上进行的。
    • Joining together: 这个短语表示将多个事物或部分组合成一个整体,指的是将封建王公们建造的城堡连接起来。
    • To protect their land against invasions by barbarians: 这个短语使用了不定式短语作目的状语,说明建造长城的目的是为了保护他们的土地免受野蛮民族的入侵。