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  • "爱财如命" 的英语表达方式

    "Money is everything to someone" 和 "money means life to someone" 的语气比较强烈,暗示了这个人对金钱的依赖程度极高,金钱在他们的生活中占据了至关重要的地位。

    "Someone's life revolves around money" 表示这个人的生活围绕着金钱展开,金钱是他们生活的中心。

    "Money is the be-all and end-all for someone" 也是表示金钱在某个人的生活中占据了至关重要的地位,可以说是 "money is everything" 的更强烈的说法。

    "To love money as much as life" 和 "to love nothing better than money" 描述了一个人对金钱的狂热追求,喜欢金钱胜过生命,甚至可能以追求金钱为己任。

    "Money rather than life" 暗示了这个人把金钱看得比生命更重要,可以用来描述某些人因为追求金钱而牺牲生命、健康或家庭之类的事情。

    形容 "爱财如命" 的英语词语:








    "爱财如命" 的英语故事

    Once upon a time in the small town of Prosperity, there lived a man named Horace. Horace was known far and wide for his immense wealth and his obsession with accumulating more. He was a living embodiment of the phrase "love money, love wealth." His house was filled from floor to ceiling with gold coins, precious stones, and priceless art pieces. Horace's love for money was so great that he often neglected his family, friends, and even his own health.

    Horace had a son named Alexander. From a young age, Alexander was taught by his father that money was the key to happiness and success. As he grew older, Alexander began to understand the depth of his father's obsession. He saw how his father's greed had caused him to lose sight of what truly mattered in life - love, relationships, and personal well-being.

    One day, Horace fell gravely ill. Doctors were called in from all over the country, but none could cure him. As he lay on his deathbed, Horace realized that his vast wealth would soon be of no use to him. He turned to Alexander and said, "My dear son, I have one final piece of advice for you. Promise me that you will not let money consume you as it has consumed me."

    With his last breath, Horace passed away. Alexander was left with a huge inheritance and a heavy heart. He decided to honor his father's wish and use his wealth to help others. He started a charitable foundation that provided education, healthcare, and other essential services to the people of Prosperity.

    As the years went by, Alexander became known as a generous and kind-hearted man. He fell in love with a beautiful woman named Isabella, who shared his values and beliefs. Together, they built a life filled with love, laughter, and joy. They traveled the world, explored new cultures, and made memories that would last a lifetime.

    One day, while browsing through an antique shop in Paris, Alexander came across a beautiful painting that caught his eye. It depicted a wealthy man surrounded by all his possessions, but with a look of sadness on his face. Alexander realized that the man in the painting was a reflection of his father - a man who had everything but was still unhappy because he had allowed money to control his life.

    Alexander knew then that he had made the right choice in using his wealth to help others. He understood that true happiness could not be bought with money, but rather it was found in the love and connections we make with the people around us. And so, Alexander and Isabella continued to live their lives with gratitude, kindness, and a deep appreciation for the simple pleasures that life had to offer.


    贺拉斯有一个儿子叫亚历山大。从很小的时候起,亚历山大就被他的父亲教导金钱是幸福和成功的关键。随着年龄的增长,亚历山大开始明白父亲的痴迷有多深。他看到父亲的贪婪是如何使他忽视了生命中真正重要的东西——爱、人际关系和个人幸福。   一天,贺拉斯得了重病。全国各地都请来了医生,但没有一个能治好他。当贺拉斯躺在临终的床上时,他意识到他的巨额财富将很快对他毫无用处。他转向亚历山大说:“我亲爱的儿子,我还有最后一个建议要给你。答应我,不要让金钱吞噬你,就像它吞噬了我一样。”   贺拉斯在咽下最后一口气时去世了。亚历山大留下了一大笔遗产和一颗沉重的心。他决定遵从父亲的遗愿,用他的财富去帮助别人。他创立了一个慈善基金会,为繁荣的人民提供教育、医疗和其他基本服务。   随着岁月的流逝,亚历山大成为了一个慷慨善良的人。他爱上了一位名叫伊莎贝拉的美丽女子,她和他有着共同的价值观和信仰。他们一起创造了一个充满爱、欢笑和欢乐的生活。他们环游世界,探索新的文化,留下了一生难忘的回忆。   一天,在巴黎逛古董店时,亚历山大看到了一幅漂亮的画,引起了他的注意。它描绘了一个富有的男人,被他所有的财产包围着,但脸上带着悲伤的表情。亚历山大意识到画中的男人是他父亲的写照——一个拥有一切却仍然不快乐的男人,因为他让金钱控制了他的生活。   亚历山大当时知道,他用自己的财富来帮助别人是正确的选择。他明白,真正的幸福不是用钱买来的,而是在我们与周围人的爱和联系中找到的。因此,亚历山大和伊莎贝拉继续以感恩、善良和对生活所能提供的简单快乐的深刻欣赏的方式生活。