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旅游中常用的英语口语 带翻译


旅游中常用的英语口语 带翻译

  • 常用旅游英语口语,无非就是以下几个不同的场景:机场、酒店、交通、景点、用餐和购物。很多人在根据场景学习的时候会掉进一些学习误区里,导致在学习的时候只是在死记硬背,难以做到灵活运用。事实上,旅行英语中真正的专业单词可能就1000个左右,如果你的英文处于初中水平的话,在出国前2个月开始准备,每天只需要学会大概十多个左右单词就完全可以了。

    常用旅游英语口语   1. Hello! How can I help you? 你好!有什么可以帮您的? 2. Do you speak English? 您会说英语吗? 3. Could you please repeat that? 请您重复一遍好吗? 4. I'm sorry, I don't understand. 对不起,我听不懂。 5. Where is the restroom? 洗手间在哪里? 6. Can you show me on the map? 您可以在地图上给我指出来吗? 7. What time does the museum open/close? 博物馆什么时候开放/关闭? 8. How much is the entrance fee? 门票多少钱? 9. Is there a discount for students/seniors? 学生/老人有优惠吗? 10. Can I take pictures here? 我可以在这里拍照吗? 11. Where can I buy souvenirs? 我在哪里可以买到纪念品? 12. What are the local specialties? 当地的特色菜是什么? 13. Can you recommend a good restaurant? 你能推荐一家好的餐厅吗? 14. How do I get to the airport/train station? 我怎么去机场/火车站? 15. Can you call a taxi for me? 你能帮我叫一辆出租车吗? 16. How much does it cost to take a taxi to the city center? 打车去市中心要多少钱? 17. Can you recommend a good hotel? 你能推荐一家好的酒店吗? 18. How much is a room per night? 一间房每晚多少钱? 19. Do you have any rooms available for tonight? 今晚有空房间吗? 20. Can I book a room now? 我现在可以预订房间吗? 21. What time is check-in/check-out? 入住/退房时间是什么时候? 22. Can I have a room with a view of the ocean? 我可以要一间可以看到海景的房间吗? 23. Can I have a wake-up call at 7 am tomorrow? 明天早上七点能给我打电话叫醒我吗? 24. Can I have breakfast in my room? 我可以要求把早餐送到房间吗? 25. What time is breakfast served? 早餐几点供应? 26. Can I have a late check-out, please? 请允许我晚一点退房好吗? 27. Can I store my luggage here until my flight leaves? 我的航班起飞前,可以把行李寄存在这里吗? 28. How long does it take to get to the beach from here? 从这里到海滩需要多长时间? 29. Can you recommend any outdoor activities? 你能推荐一些户外活动吗? 30. Where can I rent a bicycle? 我在哪里可以租自行车? 31. Can you recommend any good hiking trails? 你能推荐一些好的徒步路线吗? 32. Is there a bus tour of the city? 有城市观光巴士吗? 33. How much does the bus tour cost? 观光巴士多少钱? 34. Can you tell me about the history of this place? 你能给我讲讲这个地方的历史吗? 35. Are there any museums nearby? 附近有博物馆吗? 36. Can you recommend any good restaurants near here? 你能推荐一下附近的好餐厅吗? 37. Is there a shopping mall nearby? 附近有购物中心吗? 38. Can you recommend any good bars/clubs? 你能推荐一些好的酒吧/俱乐部吗? 39. Is there a cinema nearby? 附近有电影院吗? 40. Can you recommend any good parks/gardens? 你能推荐一些好的公园/花园吗? 41. Is there a zoo nearby? 附近有动物园吗? 42. Can you recommend any good beaches? 你能推荐一些好的海滩吗? 43. Is there a spa nearby? 附近有水疗中心吗? 44. Can you recommend any good gyms/fitness centers? 你能推荐一些好的健身房/健身中心吗? 45. Is there a pool nearby? 附近有游泳池吗? 46. Can you recommend any good day trips from here? 你能推荐一些从这里出发的一日游吗? 47. Is there a tourist information center nearby? 附近有旅游信息中心吗? 48. Can you recommend any good walking tours? 你能推荐一些好的徒步旅行团吗? 49. Is there a car rental agency nearby? 附近有租车公司吗? 50. Can you recommend any good souvenir shops? 你能推荐一些好的纪念品商店吗? 51. Is there a currency exchange office nearby? 附近有货币兑换处吗? 52. Can you recommend any good travel insurance companies? 你能推荐一些好的旅行保险公司吗? 53. Is there a hospital nearby in case of an emergency? 附近有医院以备紧急情况吗? 54. Can you recommend any good pharmacies? 你能推荐一些好的药店吗? 55. Is there a post office nearby? 附近有邮局吗? 56. Can you recommend any good tour guides? 你能推荐一些好的导游吗? 57. Is there a Wi-Fi hotspot nearby? 附近有Wi-Fi热点吗? 58. Can you recommend any good mobile phone providers? 你能推荐一些好的手机运营商吗? 59. Is there a laundry service nearby? 附近有洗衣服务吗? 60. Can you recommend any good hair salons/barbershops? 你能推荐一些好的美发沙龙/理发店吗? 61. Is there a dry cleaner nearby? 附近有干洗店吗? 62. Can you recommend any good beauty salons/spas? 你能推荐一些好的美容院/水疗中心吗? 63. Is there a petrol station nearby? 附近有加油站吗? 64. Can you recommend any good car repair shops? 你能推荐一些好的汽车修理店吗? 65. Is there a parking garage nearby? 附近有停车场吗? 66. Can you recommend any good boat tours? 你能推荐一些好的游船之旅吗? 67. Is there a diving center nearby? 附近有潜水中心吗? 68. Can you recommend any good water sports activities? 你能推荐一些好的水上运动活动吗? 69. Is there a golf course nearby? 附近有高尔夫球场吗? 70. Can you recommend any good ski resorts? 你能推荐一些好的滑雪胜地吗? 71. Is there a nightlife scene in this area? 这个地区有夜生活场所吗? 72. Can you recommend any good live music venues? 你能推荐一些好的现场音乐场所吗? 73. Is there a theater or opera house nearby? 附近有剧院或歌剧院吗? 74. Can you recommend any good comedy clubs? 你能推荐一些好的喜剧俱乐部吗? 75. Is there a festival or event happening soon in this area? 这个地区近期有什么节日或活动吗? 76. Can you recommend any good art galleries or exhibitions? 你能推荐一些好的美术馆或展览吗? 77. Is there a shopping mall with luxury brands nearby? 附近有奢侈品品牌的购物中心吗? 78. Can you recommend any good street markets or flea markets? 你能推荐一些好的街头市场或跳蚤市场吗? 79. Is there a food market nearby where I can try local cuisines? 我可以去附近的食品市场尝试当地美食吗?

      1. Would you please make my reservation to Chicago for tomorrow? 请帮我预订明天去芝加哥的座位好吗?
      2. What's the fare to New York, Economy Class? 去纽约的经济舱机票多少钱?
      3. Where do I pick up the ticket? 我什么地方拿机票?
      4. I'd like a refund on this ticket. 我要退这张票。
      5. I'd like to have a seat by the window. 我要一个靠窗的座位。
      6. We have only one a day for New York. 到纽约的一天只有一班。
      7. The flight number is AK708 on September 5th. 班机号码是9月5日的AK708。
      8. There's a ten thirty flight in the morning. 早上10点半有班机。
      9. I'd like to reconfirm my flight from London to Tokyo. 我要再确认一下我从伦敦到东京的班机。
      10. My reservation number is 2991. 我的预订号码是2991。
      11. Do you have any tickets available for that date? 你们有那天的票吗?
      12. Where is the tourist information centre ? 请问旅游问讯处在哪里?
      13. Is there an airport bus(交通工具) to the city(目的地) ? 这里有从机场去市中心的巴士吗 ?
      14. Where is the bus stop (taxi stand) ? 巴士车站在哪里 ?
      15. How much does it cost to the city centre by taxi ?乘计程车到市中心需要多少钱
      16. How can I get to Hilton hotel ? 去希尔顿酒店怎么走 ?
      17. May I have a city map ? 请给我一张市区地图?
      18. How much is it ? 多少钱 ?
      19. Keep the change, please 不用找钱了
      20. Take me to this address, please 请拉我去这个地址
      21. How long does it take to go to the city centre ? 到市中心需要多长时间?
      22. Stop here, please 请停下来。
      23. I want to reserve a single room with shower. 我想预订一间有淋浴的单人房间。
      24. Could I book a double room with bath? 我可以预订一间有浴缸的双人客房吗?
      25. I'd like a room with a view. 我想要一个风景较好的房间。
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