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初中英语作文3篇:A Lucky Girl 幸运的女孩


初中英语作文3篇:A Lucky Girl 幸运的女孩

  • 1. My Pet Dog 我的宠物狗

    I have a pet dog named Lucky. She is a beautiful golden retriever with soft fur and big, brown eyes. I consider myself lucky to have her as my companion.

    Lucky is not just a pet; she is a part of our family. Every morning, she greets me with wagging tail and wet kisses, making my day brighter. We often go for long walks in the park, where she loves to chase after squirrels and play fetch with her favorite ball.

    Lucky is not only loyal and affectionate but also very intelligent. She learns new tricks quickly and always knows how to cheer me up when I'm feeling down. I am grateful for her unconditional love and companionship.

    Having Lucky in my life makes me feel truly blessed. She brings so much joy and happiness into our home, and I can't imagine my life without her. I am indeed a lucky girl to have such a wonderful pet.

    1. 我的宠物狗





    2. A Surprise Birthday Party 一个惊喜生日派对

    Last week, I had the most amazing surprise birthday party ever. My family and friends organized it for me, and I couldn't have been happier.

    It all started when my best friend invited me to go shopping with her. I had no idea that she was actually taking me to the party venue, where everyone was waiting to surprise me. As soon as I walked in, everyone yelled, "Surprise!" I was completely shocked and overwhelmed with joy.

    The party was filled with laughter, music, and delicious food. There were balloons, streamers, and a beautiful birthday cake with candles. I received so many thoughtful gifts from my loved ones, and I felt incredibly loved and appreciated.

    I couldn't stop smiling the entire evening. It was a birthday celebration that I will never forget. I am truly grateful to have such amazing people in my life who went out of their way to make my day so special.

    2. 一个惊喜生日派对





    3. A Kind Stranger 一个善良的陌生人

    One day, I was rushing to catch the bus to school when I accidentally dropped my wallet. I didn't realize it until I was on the bus and couldn't find it anywhere. I felt panicked and helpless, as my wallet contained my bus pass and lunch money.

    Just as I was about to give up hope, a kind stranger tapped me on the shoulder and handed me my wallet. I was amazed and incredibly grateful. She told me that she saw me drop it and ran after me to return it.

    I thanked her profusely and offered to buy her a coffee to show my gratitude. She declined my offer and simply smiled before getting off at her stop. I couldn't believe how lucky I was to encounter such a kind-hearted person.

    That day, I learned that there are still good people in the world who are willing to help others without expecting anything in return. It was a reminder to always be kind and compassionate towards others, just like the kind stranger who returned my wallet.

    3. 一个善良的陌生人





    上一篇:Durian - 榴莲 关于榴莲的英语作文