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全国助残日 National Day for Persons with Disabilities


全国助残日 National Day for Persons with Disabilities

  • 全国助残日是中国政府为了提高公众对残疾人权益保护意识,促进残疾人事业的发展,而设立的一个特殊日子。每年的5月第三个星期日被定为全国助残日。在这一天,政府、社会组织和志愿者会举办各种活动,如无障碍设施的推广、残疾人就业支持、康复服务、法律援助等,以帮助残疾人更好地融入社会,提高他们的生活质量。


    China's National Day for Persons with Disabilities

    China has designated the third Sunday of May each year as the National Day for Persons with Disabilities. This day is set aside to raise public awareness about the rights and needs of individuals with disabilities, and to promote the development of disability-related services and programs.

    On this day, various activities are organized by the government, non-governmental organizations, and volunteers. These include:

    1.Accessibility Campaigns: Promoting the construction and improvement of accessible facilities to ensure that persons with disabilities can move around more freely and independently. 2.Employment Support: Providing job opportunities and vocational training for persons with disabilities to help them gain employment and become self-reliant. 3.Rehabilitation Services: Offering medical and psychological rehabilitation services to improve the quality of life for persons with disabilities. 4.Legal Aid: Providing legal assistance and protection to ensure that the rights of persons with disabilities are safeguarded.

      The National Day for Persons with Disabilities is a significant event that reflects China's commitment to inclusivity and the empowerment of all citizens, regardless of their abilities. It is a day that encourages society to embrace diversity and to create a more equitable and supportive environment for persons with disabilities.




      1. 无障碍环境推广:宣传和倡导无障碍设施的建设和完善,以便残疾人能够更加自如、独立地进行日常活动。
      2. 就业援助:为残疾人士提供工作岗位和职业技能培训,协助他们实现就业,走向自立。
      3. 康复支持:提供必要的医疗康复和心理咨询服务,致力于提升残疾人的生活品质。
      4. 法律支援:给予法律咨询和保护措施,保障残疾人的合法权益不受侵害。

