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be caught with one's pants down 可不是裤子没穿好就被抓了


be caught with one's pants down 可不是裤子没穿好就被抓了

【例句】He was caught with his pants down when he was stealing something. 【误解】他在偷东西时,裤子还没穿好就被别人抓住了。 【正确】他在偷东西时,被人当场抓获。 【说明】be caught with one's pants down与be caught with one's hand in the cookie jar差不多,都用来比喻“当一个人正在做坏事时被当场抓住”。但be caught with one's pants down多涉及性、毒品、金钱等更可耻的行为。

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