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  • 骨折是指骨头或骨头的一部分断裂的情况。这可能是由于外伤、疾病、或是骨骼本身的脆弱性造成的。骨折的类型很多,包括简单骨折、复杂骨折、开放性骨折和闭合性骨折等。治疗骨折的方法包括固定、手术、物理治疗等,具体取决于骨折的类型和严重程度。恢复期间,患者需要遵循医嘱,进行适当的康复锻炼,以促进愈合并恢复功能。


    • Fracture: 骨折
    • Bone: 骨头
    • Trauma: 外伤
    • Pathological: 病理性的
    • Brittle: 脆弱的
    • Simple fracture: 简单骨折
    • Compound fracture: 复杂骨折
    • Open fracture: 开放性骨折
    • Closed fracture: 闭合性骨折
    • Treatment: 治疗
    • Immobilization: 固定
    • Surgery: 手术
    • Physical therapy: 物理治疗
    • Healing: 愈合
    • Rehabilitation: 康复

    骨折的英语作文:The Experience of a Fracture

    Last month, I had an unfortunate encounter with a fracture. It was a regular day until I tripped over an uneven pavement and fell, resulting in a broken bone in my arm. The pain was immediate and intense, and I knew something was seriously wrong.

    I was rushed to the hospital, where an X-ray confirmed a simple fracture. The doctor explained that my bone had snapped clean through and required immobilization to heal properly. They fitted me with a cast and gave me instructions on how to care for my arm during the healing process.

    The recovery has been a slow journey. I've had to adjust my daily activities to accommodate my injury, which has been challenging at times. However, I've also learned the importance of patience and taking the time needed for the body to heal.

    Throughout this experience, I've gained a new appreciation for my body's resilience. I'm looking forward to completing my rehabilitation and regaining full use of my arm.







    Person A: Hey, how's your arm? I heard you had a fall last week.

    Person B: Yeah, I did. It was quite painful, and the doctor said it's a fracture. I've got this cast on now.

    Person A: Oh no, that sounds rough. How are you managing with the cast?

    Person B: It's been a bit tricky, especially with everyday tasks. But I'm trying to stay positive and follow the doctor's advice for recovery.

    Person A: That's the spirit. Take your time and heal properly. We're all here to support you.

    Person B: Thanks, I really appreciate it. I'm looking forward to getting this cast off and being back to normal.

    A: 嘿,你的手臂怎么样了?我听说你上周摔了一跤。

    B: 是的,摔得挺疼的,医生说是骨折了。现在我手臂上打着石膏。

    A: 哦不,听起来很严重。你手臂上打着石膏感觉怎么样?

    B: 有点棘手,尤其是日常活动。但我正尝试保持积极,并遵循医生的恢复建议。

    A: 这就对了。慢慢来,好好恢复。我们都在这里支持你。

    B: 谢谢,我真的很感激。我期待着拆掉石膏,恢复正常。
