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300字英语作文5篇 :My Hobby 我的业余爱好


300字英语作文5篇 :My Hobby 我的业余爱好

  • 1. My Hobby 我的业余爱好

    My hobby is reading. I love reading story books, novels, and magazines. Reading makes me feel relaxed and happy. It also helps me improve my language skills and widen my knowledge.


    重点词汇:hobby(业余爱好), story books(故事书), novels(小说), magazines(杂志), language skills(语言能力), widen(扩大)

    2. My Hobby 我的业余爱好

    I enjoy playing the guitar as my hobby. I find playing music very enjoyable and it helps me express my emotions. I practice every day and hope to become a skilled guitarist in the future.


    重点词汇:enjoy(喜爱), playing the guitar(弹吉他), music(音乐), express(表达), practice(练习), skilled(技艺娴熟)

    3. My Hobby 我的业余爱好

    Drawing is my favorite hobby. I love to draw landscapes, portraits, and cartoons. Drawing allows me to unleash my creativity and imagination. It’s a great way for me to relax and express myself.


    重点词汇:favorite(最喜爱的), drawing(画画), landscapes(风景), portraits(肖像), cartoons(卡通), unleash(释放)

    4. My Hobby 我的业余爱好

    I have a hobby of collecting stamps. I have stamps from different countries and each one tells a unique story. Collecting stamps is not only a hobby but also a way to learn about different cultures and histories.


    重点词汇:collecting(收集), stamps(邮票), countries(国家), unique(独特的), cultures(文化), histories(历史)

    5. My Hobby 我的业余爱好

    Playing basketball is my hobby. I play basketball with my friends every weekend. It’s a great way to exercise and keep fit. Besides, it’s also a good opportunity to strengthen friendship with my friends.


    重点词汇:playing basketball(打篮球), exercise(锻炼), keep fit(保持健康), strengthen(加强), friendship(友谊)

    上一篇:100字、150字、200字、250字、300字英语作文5篇: An Adventure Story