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  • 作文一:我喜欢的运动 - 篮球

    Basketball is my favorite sport. I love the excitement and the challenge it brings. Playing basketball requires speed, agility, and teamwork. It's a sport that not only keeps me physically fit but also sharpens my strategic thinking. The thrill of scoring a basket and the satisfaction of a well-played game are unmatched. Basketball teaches me the importance of perseverance and the joy of working together towards a common goal.


    • Favorite sport - 最喜欢的运动
    • Excitement - 兴奋
    • Challenge - 挑战
    • Speed - 速度
    • Agility - 灵活性
    • Teamwork - 团队合作
    • Physically fit - 身体健康
    • Strategic thinking - 策略思维
    • Thrill - 激动
    • Scoring a basket - 投篮得分
    • Perseverance - 坚持不懈
    • Working together - 合作


    作文二:我喜欢的运动 - 游泳

    Swimming is the sport I enjoy the most. The feeling of gliding through the water is both refreshing and liberating. It's a full-body workout that helps me stay in shape and improves my endurance. Swimming also teaches me discipline, as regular practice is essential to maintain and improve my skills. The tranquility of the water and the rhythmic strokes provide a sense of peace and harmony that I find very soothing.


    • Enjoy the most - 最喜欢
    • Gliding - 滑行
    • Refreshing - 提神的
    • Liberating - 自由的
    • Full-body workout - 全身锻炼
    • Stay in shape - 保持体型
    • Endurance - 耐力
    • Discipline - 纪律
    • Regular practice - 定期练习
    • Tranquility - 宁静
    • Rhythmic strokes - 有节奏的划水


    作文三:我喜欢的运动 - 跑步

    Running is my preferred sport. The simplicity of just putting on a pair of running shoes and hitting the road is what appeals to me. It's a sport that requires minimal equipment but offers maximum benefits. Running helps me clear my mind, relieve stress, and boost my mood. The sense of accomplishment after completing a long run is incredibly rewarding. It's a personal challenge that pushes me to set goals and strive for improvement.


    • Preferred sport - 喜欢的运动
    • Simplicity - 简单
    • Running shoes - 跑鞋
    • Minimal equipment - 最小装备
    • Maximum benefits - 最大益处
    • Clear my mind - 清理思绪
    • Relieve stress - 减压
    • Boost my mood - 提振情绪
    • Sense of accomplishment - 成就感
    • Personal challenge - 个人挑战
    • Set goals - 设定目标
    • Strive for improvement - 努力改进


    上一篇:300字初中英语作文5篇 :My Uncle 我的叔叔