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初中英语作文:A Poor Boy Had a Good Idea


初中英语作文:A Poor Boy Had a Good Idea

  • 作文一:《发明家的童年》

    Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a poor boy named Tom. Despite his poverty, Tom was a bright and creative child. One day, he had a brilliant idea to solve the village's water shortage problem.

    Tom noticed that the village well was often dry, and the villagers had to walk miles to fetch water. He decided to build a rainwater harvesting system. With the help of his friends, he collected discarded plastic bottles and built a simple but effective system.

    The villagers were amazed by Tom's idea and joined in to help. Soon, the system was up and running, and the village had a steady supply of water. Tom's ingenuity not only brought relief to his community but also earned him respect and admiration.





    • poor boy 穷男孩
    • creative 有创造力的
    • water shortage 水短缺
    • village well 村井
    • fetch water 取水
    • rainwater harvesting system 雨水收集系统
    • discarded plastic bottles 废弃塑料瓶
    • ingenuity 聪明才智
    • relief 缓解
    • respect 尊重
    • admiration 钦佩


    In a remote mountain village, there was a poor boy named Li who was known for his intelligence. The village had no electricity, and this hindered the children's ability to study at night. Li had an idea to use solar energy to light up their homes.

    He studied solar panels and designed a small, affordable solar system. With the support of his family and the community, Li built the first solar-powered lamp. It was a success, and soon every household had their own solar light.

    Li's innovation improved the quality of life in the village and inspired the children to pursue education. His good idea not only illuminated their homes but also their future.





    • remote mountain village 偏远山村
    • intelligence 智慧
    • electricity 电
    • hinder 阻碍
    • solar energy 太阳能
    • solar panels 太阳能板
    • affordable 经济的
    • innovation 创新
    • quality of life 生活质量
    • pursue education 追求教育
    • illuminate 照亮


    In a small town, there lived a poor boy named Jack who was passionate about the environment. The town's trash problem was getting worse, and Jack decided to take action. He came up with the idea of recycling the waste into useful products.

    Jack started by collecting discarded materials and repurposed them into beautiful handicrafts. He sold these items at the local market, and the profits went towards buying more materials and supporting his family.

    His initiative not only helped clean up the town but also provided a sustainable income for himself. The townspeople were impressed by Jack's creativity and determination, and they began to follow his example.





    • passionate 热情的
    • environment 环境
    • trash problem 垃圾问题
    • recycling 回收
    • waste 废弃物
    • handicrafts 手工艺品
    • local market 地方市场
    • profits 利润
    • sustainable income 可持续收入
    • initiative 倡议
    • creativity 创造力
    • determination 决心


    In a rural area, a poor boy named Sam had a dream of having a library in his village. He knew that books were the key to knowledge, and he wanted to share that with his friends.

    Sam started by collecting books from various sources. He visited nearby towns and collected discarded books from schools and libraries. With the help of his friends, he cleaned and organized the books.

    He then found a small space in the village to set up a makeshift library. Word spread, and soon children from all over the village came to read and learn. Sam's library became a hub of knowledge and a source of inspiration for the children.





    • rural area 农村地区
    • dream 梦想
    • library 图书馆
    • key to knowledge 知识的关键
    • collect 收集
    • discarded books 被丢弃的书籍
    • schools 学校
    • libraries 图书馆
    • cleaned 清洁
    • organized 组织
    • makeshift library 临时图书馆
    • hub 枢纽
    • inspiration 灵感


    In a bustling city, a poor boy named Alex had a vision of starting his own business. He noticed that many people were in need of affordable and healthy food options.

    With limited resources, Alex began by selling homemade sandwiches at a local park. His sandwiches were made with fresh ingredients and were a hit among the park-goers. As his business grew, he was able to expand his menu and even hire a few helpers.

    Alex's entrepreneurial spirit and hard work paid off. He became a successful business owner and was able to provide for his family. His story inspired many and showed that with determination and a good idea, anything is possible.





    • bustling city 繁华的城市
    • vision 愿景
    • affordable 经济实惠的
    • healthy food options 健康的食物选择
    • homemade sandwiches 自制三明治
    • fresh ingredients 新鲜食材
    • hit 受欢迎
    • park-goers 公园游客
    • entrepreneurial spirit 创业精神
    • hard work 辛勤工作
    • business owner 企业主
    • determination 决心
    上一篇:英汉双语散文:Imagination 想象力