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英汉双语散文:Forgiveness 宽容


英汉双语散文:Forgiveness 宽容

  • 宽容是一种强大的力量,是治愈心灵深处创伤的良药。它代表着一种释怀,让我们从过去的怨恨中解脱出来。宽容并不意味着忘却或纵容过去的错误,而是一种有意识的决定,选择超越痛苦,拥抱治愈与重生的希望。

    Forgiveness is a powerful act, a balm that soothes the deepest wounds of the soul. It is the act of letting go, of releasing the chains of resentment that bind us to the past. To forgive is not to forget, nor is it to condone the wrongs that have been done. It is, rather, a conscious decision to rise above the pain and to embrace the possibility of healing and renewal.

    In the tapestry of human relationships, forgiveness weaves a thread of hope. It is the recognition that we are all flawed, that we all make mistakes, and that we all deserve a second chance. Forgiveness is the bridge that connects hearts, the path that leads us back to compassion and understanding.

    The act of forgiving is not always easy. It requires courage, the strength to look beyond our own hurt and to see the humanity in others. It demands empathy, the ability to put ourselves in another's shoes and to understand the reasons behind their actions. Forgiveness is an act of grace, a gift we give not only to others but also to ourselves.

    Forgiveness is not just a personal act; it is a social virtue. It is the foundation upon which communities are built, the cornerstone of peace and reconciliation. When we forgive, we plant the seeds of harmony, and we nurture the growth of a world where understanding and kindness prevail.

    In the end, forgiveness is a choice. It is a choice to see the world through the lens of love rather than hate, to build bridges rather than walls. It is a choice to live with an open heart, to let the light of forgiveness shine through the darkness of our past.


    1.Forgiveness - 宽容 2.Powerful act - 强有力的行为 3.Balm - 药膏,比喻安慰剂 4.Soothes - 缓和,抚慰 5.Wounds of the soul - 心灵的创伤 6.Letting go - 放手 7.Resentment - 怨恨 8.Condone - 宽恕,纵容 9.Conscious decision - 意识决定 10.Healing and renewal - 治愈与重生 11.Tapestry - 织锦,比喻复杂多变 12.Flawed - 有缺陷的 13.Second chance - 第二次机会 14.Bridge - 桥梁 15.Compassion - 同情心 16.Courage - 勇气 17.Empathy - 同理心 18.Grace - 恩典 19.Social virtue - 社会美德 20.Peace and reconciliation - 和平与和解 21.Harmony - 和谐 22.Understanding and kindness - 理解与善意 23.Open heart - 开放心胸 24.Light of forgiveness - 宽恕之光






