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  • 描述人物外貌特征、性格特点和行为习惯时,可以使用丰富的英语词汇和句子结构。以下是一些例子,包括词汇、句子和段落,并附上中文翻译。

    外貌特征 (Physical Appearance):


    • Tall 高的
    • Short 矮的
    • Slim 苗条的
    • Curly hair 卷发
    • Freckles 雀斑
    • Glasses 眼镜
    • Athletic 健美的
    • Pale 苍白的
    • Tan 棕褐色的


    • She has long, straight hair and big, bright eyes. 她有一头长直发和大大的明亮的眼睛。
    • He is of medium height with broad shoulders and a muscular build. 他中等身高,宽肩膀,肌肉发达。
    • Her smile is radiant, showing off her perfect set of white teeth. 她的笑容灿烂,露出一口洁白的牙齿。

    英语段落: Jane is a woman of average height with a slender figure. Her hair is a rich chestnut color, falling in soft waves around her shoulders. She has a heart-shaped face with high cheekbones and full lips. Her eyes are a striking shade of green, framed by long, dark lashes. Jane always dresses elegantly, favoring classic styles and muted colors that complement her complexion.


    性格特点 (Personality Traits):


    • Cheerful 开朗的
    • Introverted 内向的
    • Ambitious 有抱负的
    • Compassionate 有同情心的
    • Optimistic 乐观的
    • Curious 好奇的
    • Reliable 可靠的
    • Humorous 幽默的


    • He is known for his cheerful disposition and quick wit. 他以他开朗的性格和敏捷的才智而闻名。
    • She is an introverted person who prefers quiet environments. 她是一个内向的人,更喜欢安静的环境。
    • His ambition and determination have led him to great success. 他的抱负和决心使他取得了巨大的成功。

    英语段落: Michael is an ambitious and optimistic individual. He always looks on the bright side of life and encourages others to do the same. His curiosity drives him to explore new ideas and learn from every experience. Michael is also known for his reliability and humor. Friends and colleagues can count on him to be there when he says he will, and his jokes often lighten the mood during tense situations.


    行为习惯 (Behavioral Habits):


    • Punctual 守时的
    • Neat 整洁的
    • Diligent 勤奋的
    • Generous 慷慨的
    • Patient 耐心的
    • Organized 有条理的
    • Disciplined 自律的
    • Persistent 坚持不懈的


    • She is always punctual for meetings and appointments. 她总是准时参加会议和约会。
    • His neat and organized workspace reflects his attention to detail. 他整洁有序的工作空间反映了他对细节的关注。
    • He is diligent in his studies and always seeks to improve his knowledge. 他学习勤奋,总是寻求提高自己的知识。

    英语段落: Lily has a reputation for being diligent and disciplined in her work. She arrives early to work every day and is always prepared for meetings. Lily's patience allows her to handle difficult clients with grace and professionalism. She is also a generous colleague, often sharing her knowledge and resources with others. Despite facing challenges, Lily remains persistent and focused on her goals, which has earned her the respect of her peers.


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