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历史上的今天 ‧ 奥地利著名作曲家海顿逝世


历史上的今天 ‧ 奥地利著名作曲家海顿逝世

  • 英语资料:Joseph Haydn

    Joseph Haydn (born March 31, 1732, Rohrau, Austria—died May 31, 1809, Vienna) was an Austrian composer who was one of the most important figures in the development of the Classical style in music during the 18th century. He helped establish the forms and styles for the string quartet and the symphony.16



    • Austrian composer - 奥地利作曲家
    • Classical style - 古典风格
    • 18th century - 18世纪
    • String quartet - 弦乐四重奏
    • Symphony - 交响曲

    Haydn's employment by the Esterházy family proved decisive for his career, and he remained in their service until his death. He raised the quality and increased the size of the prince’s musical ensembles by appointing many choice instrumentalists and singers.16



    • Esterházy family - 埃斯特哈齐家族
    • Musical ensembles - 音乐团体
    • Instrumentalists - 器乐演奏家
    • Singers - 歌手

    Haydn frequently visited Vienna in the prince’s retinue, and on these visits a close friendship developed between himself and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. The two composers felt inspired by each other’s work.16



    • Vienna - 维也纳
    • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - 沃尔夫冈·阿马德乌斯·莫扎特
    • Composers - 作曲家
    • Inspired - 灵感

    Legacy: During the 1760s Haydn’s fame began to spread throughout Europe. Aristocratic patrons in south Germany, Italy, and the Austrian empire assiduously collected his music, and their libraries would eventually become important sources for copies of his work.16



    • Fame - 名声
    • Europe - 欧洲
    • Aristocratic patrons - 贵族赞助人
    • Collected - 收藏
    • Libraries - 图书馆
    • Important sources - 重要来源