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  • 在写作英语叙事记叙文时,可以使用多种素材来丰富故事内容和增加故事的吸引力。以下是一些常用的素材类型,以及它们在叙事中的应用:   1. 人物描写:    - 描述人物的外貌特征、性格特点、行为习惯。    - 通过人物的对话和内心独白来展现其情感和动机。   2. 环境描写:    - 描述故事发生的地点,包括自然环境和人造环境。    - 使用感官细节(视觉、听觉、嗅觉、触觉、味觉)来营造氛围。   3. 情节发展:    - 设定冲突和解决冲突的事件,如冒险、挑战、竞争等。    - 描述高潮和转折点,以及它们如何影响故事的走向。   4. 时间背景:    - 提供故事发生的时间背景,如历史时期、季节变化、一天中的不同时间等。    - 使用时间线索来推动故事发展。   5. 情感表达:    - 描述人物的情感变化,如快乐、悲伤、愤怒、恐惧等。    - 使用比喻、拟人等修辞手法来增强情感表达。   6. 对话:    - 通过人物之间的对话来展示性格、关系和故事进展。    - 使用直接和间接引语来呈现对话内容。   7. 内心独白:    - 描述人物的内心想法和感受,以揭示他们的动机和心理状态。    - 使用第一人称叙述来增加故事的直接性和可信度。   8. 象征和隐喻:    - 使用象征性的物品或事件来代表更深层的意义。    - 利用隐喻来增强语言的表现力和深度。   9. 主题和信息:    - 确定故事的主题,如爱、勇气、成长、牺牲等。    - 通过故事传达一个明确的信息或教训。   10. 文化元素:     - 引入特定文化背景下的习俗、节日、传统等。     - 使用文化元素来增加故事的多样性和深度。   11. 幽默和讽刺:     - 使用幽默来缓解紧张的气氛或突出人物的特质。     - 利用讽刺来批评或评论社会现象。   12. 悬念和惊奇:     - 设定悬念来吸引读者的注意力,让他们继续阅读。     - 创造惊奇元素来给故事带来意想不到的转折。   在使用这些素材时,重要的是要确保它们与故事的主题和情节紧密相关,以保持叙事的连贯性和吸引力。此外,要注意语言的多样性和生动性,以及叙述的流畅性,以使读者能够沉浸在故事中。








    表示时间:once upon a time, long long ago, thousands of years ago, last/next week, one day, on a rainy night, early in the morning, during the holiday, soon, later, before long, immediately, just at that time, ever since, since then, after that, from then on, at the weekend, in the past, in the past ten years, on Sunday morning, so far, up to now, etc.

    表示地点:church, school, tower, bridge, museum, amusement park, station, dormitory, prison, hotel, theater, city hall, auditorium, parking lot, shop, hospital, store, playground, office, home, street, restaurant, court, lab, supermarket, cinema, etc.

    表示活动:go out for a picnic, set off for, show sb. around, give sb. a warm welcome, catch sight of, jump, enjoy, go camping, go cycling, go fishing, ride horses, fly kites, go sight-seeing, go touring, have a walk, go climbing, go swimming, go shopping, rush out, hurry to, etc.

    表示前因后果:because, because of, since, thanks to, so, as a result, thus, therefore, It turns out to be..., etc.


    1. I was walking along the street when a terrible traffic accident happened.


    2. One day, something unpleasant happened.


    3. An elderly man was hit by a car while he was crossing the road.


    4. The girl was too frightened to move. 那个女孩吓得不敢动了。

    5. The accident delayed all the traffic for an hour. 事故使交通延误了一个小时。

    6. Lots of people lost their lives in the snowstorm. 很多人在暴风雪中丧生。

    7. The big flood, which occurred in Hunan Province, caused great losses.


    8. As a result, the three-storeyed building was destroyed, ... people were killed, and more than... were injured. 结果,那座三层楼的被毁,……人丧生,超过……人受伤。

    9. This may be the most unforgettable experience of my life.


    10. Helping others is the source of happiness. 帮助别人是幸福之源。


    One day, Mr Li was reading a book in his office when a ball broke the window and flew in. Mr Li was greatly shocked when the ball hit him on the head. He took the ball and came downstairs to see who threw the ball. He met a little boy at the doorway and the boy said it was he who had thrown it. The boy said sorry to Mr Li and Mr Li praised the boy for his honesty.


    A school bus was struck by a truck at 3 p. m. this afternoon. The truck ran into the back of the school bus. Ten students and the truck driver were badly hurt in the accident and they were sent to hospital shortly after the accident. The police said both the truck driver and the bus driver had drunk and poor weather conditions contributed to the accident, too.


    One afternoon after school, my classmate Chen Mei and I went home together. We saw an old lady was knocked down by a motorcycle. The driver ran away after that. Chen Mei and I ran over to find that the old lady's head was bleeding. She had already lost consciousness. Immediately I took out my handkerchief and covered her injury with it. At the same time, I asked Chen Mei to find a car.


    上一篇:100字、150字、200字、250字、300字英语作文:Our Planet Earth