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Mystical nature thes Creator - 4 nature marvellous spectacle of Chinese

Chinese rich is rich, region is vast, natural marvellous spectacle spreads all over great river north and south. Among them, the 4 nature marvellous spectacle that having absolutely beautiful scene and distinctive and geological landscape is to attracting countless tourists and photography lover more, they are respectivelyThe Yangtse River is 3 gorge, yellow group of channel of hill, 9 stockaded village, Home Zhang.

The Yangtse River 3 gorge

Be located in upper reaches of Chinese the Yangtse River, include Qu Tang gorge, Wu Xia and Xi Ling gorge. The Yangtse River 3 gorge are famed with grand gorge, arduous cliff and clear river water at the world, can says is unrivaled grandiose and grand.

Huang Shan

Huang Shan is located in south of the Anhui province, stand with arduous mountain peak, peculiar Song Bai, strange stone forest and celebrated. Regard the world as culture and natural and double bequest, huang Shan is known as " the world the first strange hill " , pilgrim comes before attracting countless domestic and international tourists.

Channel of 9 stockaded village

Be located in Sichuan to save autonomous prefecture of the Qiang nationality of A dam Tibetian, channel of 9 stockaded village is mixed with the woods of the laky, profusion of its magnificent colorful lake is famed at the world. The Qiu Rifeng here is too many beautiful things more solely, be known as " fairy tale world " , before attracting countless photography lover every year, will record beautiful scenery of this a special skill send.

Home Zhang group

Be located at ministry of Hunan Province northwest, home Zhang group is the peculiar landforms landscape that by quartz sandstone landforms forms. Unpluggingly and peak forest of hundreds when rise strange stone, be just as by the stone bowl of sacred overturn, can says is a kind of bizarre natural landscape, be known as because of its distinctive geological landforms " show of 1000 peaks contest, 100 peaks are contended for strange " landscape painting corridor.

4 nature marvellous spectacle of China showed the magical superlative craftsmanship of nature respectively, let people have deep love for and cherish beautiful environment more.

Thank you to read the article, believe to pass the 4 nature marvellous spectacle that understands China, can let you understand rich and natural landscape of China deep more, the journey that is you and photography bring the surprise that more inspiration and expect are less than.
