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健身:探讨20 RM的训练方式英文双语对照


健身:探讨20 RM的训练方式英文双语对照


健身世界中,20 RM(最大复查)是一个备受争议的训练方式。在本文中,我们将深入探讨20 RM训练的定义、优势和劣势,以及如何在健身计划中合理地运用这种训练方式。

20 RM是什么?

20 RM是指一组重量训练中,你能够最多做20次的重量。这种训练方式旨在提高肌肉的耐力,而非增加肌肉的负荷。20 RM训练侧重于高重复低负荷的原则。

20 RM的优势

1. 增加肌肉耐力:通过20 RM训练,肌肉可以适应更长时间的负荷,提高耐力水平。

2. 减少受伤风险:相比于重量训练,20 RM训练的负荷相对较轻,可以减少运动中受伤的风险。

3. 适合初学者:对于刚刚开始健身的人来说,20 RM训练可以较为轻松地进行,降低了运动门槛。

4. 提高心肺功能:高重复低负荷的训练方式对心肺功能的提升有很好的效果。

20 RM的劣势

1. 无法增加肌肉量:20 RM训练侧重于耐力而非肌肉增长,因此想要增加肌肉量的人并不适合过多使用这种训练方式。

2. 不能提高最大力量:与低重量高负荷训练相比,20 RM训练对于提高最大力量的效果并不明显。

如何合理运用20 RM训练

1. 结合其他训练方式:20 RM训练可以作为其他重量训练方式的补充,促进肌肉耐力的提升。

2. 针对特定部位:对于一些需要提高耐力的肌肉部位,可以采用20 RM训练来加以强化。

通过本文的探讨,我们不难发现,20 RM训练方式有其独特的优势,但也存在一定的局限性。在健身计划中,合理地结合20 RM训练,可以更全面地提升身体素质,让健身效果更加出色。

感谢您阅读本文,相信通过了解20 RM训练,您可以更好地制定适合自己的健身计划,提高训练效果。



In gymnastical world, 20 RM (the biggest check) it is a training way that gets dispute fully. In the article, we discuss development the definition that 20 RM trains, advantage and inferior position, and if where,means of this kind of training is used reasonably in gymnastical plan.

20What is RM?

20RM is to show training of a group of weight is medium, the weight that you can do 20 times at most. Manner of this kind of training aims to enhance sarcous staying power, and rather than raises sarcous negative charge. Overweight of side of 20 RM training is tall the principle that repeats small negative charge.

20The advantage of RM

1.Increase muscle staying power: Train through 20 RM, muscle can get used to longer bear, raise endurance level.

2.Decrease get a place difficult of access of catch a cold: Photograph comparing trains at weight, the bear that 20 RM trains is opposite lighter, can reduce the risk that gets hurt in motion.

3.Suit abecedarian: For the person to just beginning fitness, 20 RM training can undertake easily, lowered athletic threshold.

4.Improve heart lungs function: Tall the training pattern that repeats small negative charge has very good effect to the promotion of heart lungs function.

20The inferior position of RM

1.Cannot increase muscle amount: 20 RM trains muscle of and rather than of side overweight endurance to grow, the person that because this wants,increases muscle amount does not suit to use means of this kind of training too much.

2.Cannot enhance the greatest power: Train photograph comparing with low weight high load capacity, the effect that 20 RM trains the greatest to rising power is not apparent.

How reasonable apply 20 RM training

1.Combine other training manner: 20 RM training can train the complement of means as other weight, the promotion of stimulative muscle endurance.

2.Be aimed at specific place: Improve the muscle position of endurance to a few need, can use 20 RM training to try aggrandizement.

Carry the article discuss, we discover not hard, 20 RM trains means to have its distinct advantage, but the limitation with also exist certain. In gymnastical plan, combine 20 RM training reasonably, can more comprehensive ground promotes fitness, make gymnastical effect more outstanding.

Thank you to read the article, believe to train through understanding 20 RM, you can make the gymnastical plan that fits your better, improve training result.

