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VI设计是企业形象识别系统(Visual Identity)的简称,是一种通过标识、色彩、字体等视觉要素来传达企业形象和文化内涵的设计方式。在家居领域,VI设计可以帮助个人或家庭打造独特的、符合自身品味和风格的居家环境。




1. 色彩搭配:VI设计中的标识色彩可以成为家居空间的主打色调,通过家具、软装等物品的搭配,将VI设计的颜色融入到空间中,形成统一和谐的视觉效果。

2. 文化内涵:VI设计所代表的企业文化可以成为家居的设计灵感,家中的装饰品、艺术作品等都可以围绕着这一文化内涵展开,营造独具个性的氛围。

3. 定制家具:可以根据VI设计的要素定制家具,或者选择符合VI设计风格的现成家具,使其与整体空间风格相契合,突出个性化特点。





What is VI design?

VI designIt is company image identifies a system (Visual Identity) abbreviation, it is one kind passes the visual element such as label, colour, font to communicate the design means of company image and culture connotation. The territory is occupied in the home, VI design can help an individual or the family is made distinctive, the environment occupying the home that accords with oneself to savour zephyr case.

VI designs the application that occupies a territory in the home

The territory is occupied in the home, the application that VI designs is main body lives in side of collocation of adornment, furniture and dimensional distribution now. Adopt VI design, can wait for many dimension to spend with visual element character from colour, material gift to live in a space squares formed by crossed lines of distinct individual character zephyr, make its extraordinary.

How does VI design make individuation live in a space?

1.Colour is tie-in: The label color in VI design can become those who live in a space advocate dozen tonal, wait for the collocation of article through furniture, soft outfit, in blending in the color that VI designs the space, form the visual effect of unified harmony.

2.Culture connotation: The company culture that VI design represents can become the design inspiration of household, the adornment in the home, work of art OK around move connotation of this one culture spreads out, build the atmosphere that has individual character alone.

3.Custom-built furniture: The element that can design according to VI is custom-built furniture, perhaps choose to accord with VI to design the off-the-peg furniture of the style, make its and photograph of integral space color agree, highlight personalized characteristic.

VI designs brought household to experience

The individuation that through VI the design makes lives in a space, can satisfy the aesthetic requirement of owner not only, more important is to be able to be household to build a distinctive atmosphere and affection, make habitant amid gets cheerful with comfortable experience.

Thank you to read the article, the hope can be offerred for you through the article design the practical guidance in household domain about VI, help you make the household space that has individual character alone.
