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长春旅游指南 | 详尽攻略、交通、美食推荐英文双语对照


长春旅游指南 | 详尽攻略、交通、美食推荐英文双语对照






  • 长影世纪城:融合了现代科技与中国电影艺术,是中国最大的室内影视拍摄基地。
  • 南湖公园:是长春的标志性景点之一,四季各具特色,尤其是盛夏的湖光山色令人心旷神怡。
  • 净月潭:被誉为“中国十大最美湖泊”之一,湖水清澈见底,被群山环抱,景色壮丽。
  • 伪满皇宫:以其宏伟的建筑和丰富的历史文化内涵而闻名,是了解满洲历史的重要场所。





Changchun travel directory

The Changchun City that is located in Jilin province is red-blooded the city with glamour, have rich historical culture and natural landscape. This guideline will offer detailed travel strategy for you, include traffic guideline, tourist attraction to recommend, the content of the respect such as cate strategy.


International Airport of Changchun Changchun Long JiaIt is the main aviation hub of Changchun, have line of many home international. In addition, changchun railway station is the railroad traffic hub of northeast area, have the main city such as Gaotie and Beijing of common train join, Shanghai, Harbin many times. The communication inside city is easy, have the subway, public transportation wait for a variety of going out with the taxi a means.

The tourist attraction is recommended

  • Grow shadow century city: shirt-sleeve modern science and technology and Chinese cinematics, it is China's biggest indoor movie and TV films base.
  • South lake park: It is one of mark sex tourist attractions of Changchun, the four seasons has distinguishing feature each, especially the natural beauty of lakes and mountains of midsummer makes a person relaxed and happy.
  • Only month pool: Be known as " China 10 big the most beautiful laky " one of, lake water is clear see an end, by group hill encircle, the scenery is gallant.
  • Bogus full palace: The historical culture connotation that build and abounds grandly with its and famed, it is understanding full continent main room of the history.

Cate strategy

The cate of Changchun is diversiform and delicate, give priority to with northeast characteristic dish, for exampleCold face, red bowel, bake cake of cold face, pine nut, northeast chaos to stewEtc. In addition, changchun also has hall of dish of all sorts of plain dish, another name for Guangdong Province, Western-style food to supply, satisfy the taste of different tourist.

If you travel toward Changchun before preparation, this guideline will provide comprehensive information for you, help you know this town better, appreciate its amorous feelings lasting appeal to the top of one's bent.

