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名篇背诵:Mountain Scenery (Ⅰ) 山景(一)


名篇背诵:Mountain Scenery (Ⅰ) 山景(一)

Mountain Scenery (Ⅰ) 山景(一)

吉内尔德·W. 布莱斯(Gerald W. Brace)

To achieve a hundred miles in four hours in a Model T was fine work, but exhausting. Yet on this day the air lay sweetly over the golden countryside, full of balm and peace and the faint taste of leaf smoke. We sang and laughed and drank the rare and mellow distillations of Indian summer, our hearts grew light, our heads giddy with joy:the flames of the northern maples made great chords of splendid music in our spirit. We hailed the northward adventure, the lifting of each higher hill, the spreading miles of forest, the coming of dark spruce, the first glint of rock peaks in the silvery blue, and then the long slow waning of the sun, the golden flow of light from the southwest level across the colored land, the intensity of it, deepening and brightening toward night, the palpable gold on the leaves and grasses, the blue wells of shadows, valleys lost now in dusk and high hills still glowing in smokeless mantles of fire. We turned silent and watched the slow evening climb the slopes of brightness. In the far north a peak gleamed like a luminescent spearhead of pearl, purer than white itself.

- balm [bɑːm] n. 香味,芳香

- distillation [ˌdɪstɪˈleɪʃn] n. 蒸馏,精华

- palpable [ˈpælpəbl] a. 可触摸的;明显的

- luminescent [ˌluːmɪˈnesnt] a. 发光的


吉内尔德·W. 布莱斯(1901—1978),出生于纽约长岛。著作很多,包括《岛》(The Islands ,1936),《加里特森编年史》(The Garretson Chronicle ,1947),《夏天的故事》(A Summer's Tale , 1949),《冬至》(Winter Solstice ,1960),《风与水》(Between Wind and Water ,1966),《往昔时光》(Days that Were ,1976)等。

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