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英语笑话:You Know That 你知道我要说什么


英语笑话:You Know That 你知道我要说什么

You Know That

There was a pet store and the owner had a parrot. In walked a couple and the parrot said to the man,“Hey you!”The man said WHAT!?The parrot said,“Your wife is fat and ugly.”The man got totally upset and huffed and went to the pet storeowner and said,“Your bird just insulted my wife. It said she was fat and ugly.”

The owner stormed over,grabbed the bird,took him in the“back room”,shook him a bit,pulled out a few feathers,got in his face and said,“Don’t you ever,ever say anything to embarrass any of my customers again. You got that!!!”

With that warning he took the bird and put him back on his perch. The old bird shook out his feathers and relaxed on his perch. A couple of weeks passed and in walked this guy and his wife again. The parrot said,“Hey You!”The guy said WHAT!?The parrot answered,“You know that.”


1. Pet store - 名词,意为“宠物店”,指专门销售宠物及其相关用品的商店。

- 用法:I bought a new fish at the pet store yesterday.

2. Owner - 名词,意为“所有者”或“店主”,指拥有或管理某物或某地的人。

- 用法:The owner of the restaurant is very friendly.

3. Parrot - 名词,意为“鹦鹉”,一种会模仿人类语言的鸟类。

- 用法:The parrot can say many words.

4. Insult - 动词,意为“侮辱”或“辱骂”,指用言语或行为伤害他人的自尊或感情。

- 用法:He insulted her by calling her names.

5. Embarrass - 动词,意为“使尴尬”或“使难堪”,指使某人感到不舒服或羞愧。

- 用法:She was embarrassed by the unexpected question.

6. Stormed over - 短语,意为“怒气冲冲地走过去”,描述某人因愤怒或激动而快速走向某人或某地。

- 用法:He stormed over to the manager to complain about the service.

7. Shook - 动词“shake”的过去式,意为“摇晃”或“震动”,描述使某物或某人快速左右或上下移动。

- 用法:The earthquake shook the entire building.

8. Pulled out - 短语,意为“拔出”或“取出”,描述从某处拿出或移除某物。

- 用法:She pulled out a book from her bag.

9. Got in his face - 短语,意为“直面某人”,描述与某人面对面地进行交流或对抗。

- 用法:He got in his face and demanded an apology.

10. Warning - 名词,意为“警告”,指预先告知某人可能发生的危险或后果。

- 用法:The teacher gave the student a warning for being late.

11. Perch - 名词,意为“栖木”,指鸟类休息或站立的木棍或树枝。

- 用法:The bird sat on its perch in the cage.

12. Shook out - 短语,意为“抖落”,描述抖动身体或物品以去除灰尘或水珠。

- 用法:The dog shook out its fur after swimming.

13. Relaxed - 形容词,意为“放松的”,描述处于一种轻松、无压力的状态。

- 用法:She was relaxed after a long day at work.

14. Couple - 名词,意为“一对”或“夫妇”,指两个相关联的人或事物。

- 用法:They are a lovely couple.

15. Huffed - 动词“huff”的过去式,意为“生气地喘气”或“愤怒地发出声音”,描述因不满或愤怒而发出的声音。

- 用法:He huffed and left the room in a huff.





上一篇:名篇背诵:Mountain Scenery (Ⅰ) 山景(一)