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Budget: 预算

Financial plan: 财务计划

Income: 收入

Expenditure: 支出

Allocation: 分配

Financial goal: 财务目标

Monthly budget: 月度预算

Annual budget: 年度预算

Long-term budget: 长期预算

Budgeting: 预算编制

Overspending: 超支

Savings: 储蓄

英语作文示例: The Art of Budgeting

In the realm of personal finance, few concepts are as fundamental as budgeting. It is the cornerstone of financial stability and a compass guiding our spending and saving habits. A well-crafted budget is not just a list of numbers; it is a reflection of our values, priorities, and aspirations.

Creating a budget begins with understanding one's income—the lifeblood of any financial plan. It is the starting point from which we allocate resources to various needs and desires. Next comes the critical task of identifying our expenses, both fixed and variable. Fixed expenses are the constants in our financial landscape, such as rent or mortgage payments, while variable expenses ebb and flow with our lifestyle choices.

The true art of budgeting lies in balancing the inflow and outflow of funds. It requires discipline to avoid overspending and foresight to plan for the future. It is about making conscious decisions to allocate funds towards savings, investments, and other financial goals, rather than letting our earnings slip through our fingers.

A budget is also a tool for financial education. It teaches us the importance of living within our means and the value of delayed gratification. It instills a sense of responsibility and control over our financial destiny. Moreover, it can be a source of empowerment, as we see our savings grow and our financial goals within reach.

However, budgeting is not a one-size-fits-all approach. It must be tailored to fit individual circumstances and aspirations. A budget for a young professional starting out will look different from that of a family with children or a retiree planning for the golden years. The key is to create a budget that is realistic, flexible, and adaptable to change.

In conclusion, budgeting is an art that, when mastered, can lead to a life of financial peace and prosperity. It is the art of making every dollar count, ensuring that our hard-earned money serves us well, both today and in the years to come.








❶ 我的预算只有500元。My budget is only 500 yuan .

❷ 这个价钱买它好像太贵了。That seems a high price for it.

同类表达 The price is not reasonable. 这价格不合理。

I don't think the item is worthy of the price. 我认为这件商品不值这个价钱。

❸ 我付不起这个价格。That's more than I can afford.

同类表达 I can't afford this price. 我付不起这个价格。

The item is too expensive to purchase. 这件商品太贵,我买不起。

❹ 这超出我的预算了。This is over my budget.

对话 A: How much is it? 多少钱?

B: It costs 1,000 yuan . 1 000元。

A: This is over my budget. 这超出我的预算了。

❺ 我没有预算买衣服了。I have no budget for clothes.

对话 A: I have no budget for clothes. 我没有预算买衣服了。

B: You have bought so much. 你已经买太多了。

❻ 这价钱比我想的贵。The price is more than I expected.

同类表达 It's too expensive. 太贵了。

It's a bit too much. 太贵了一点。

❼ 我没带那么多现金。I don't have that much money on me.

同类表达 I don't have enough cash left. 我的现金不多了。

对话 A: I don't have that much money on me. Do you accept credit card? 我没带那么多现金。能用信用卡吗?

B: Sorry for that. 抱歉,不能。

❽ 我承认我是个不折不扣的购物狂。I admit that I am a real shopaholic.

对话 A: You bought so much again. 你又买了这么多。

B: I admit that I am a real shopaholic. 我承认我是个不折不扣的购物狂。

A: Don't be a“moonlight clan”anymore. 别再做“月光族”了。

❾ 我没想到价钱涨得那么快。I never thought the price went up that quickly.

对话 A: It's too expensive. I can't bear it. 太贵了。我承担不起。

B: I never thought the price went up that quickly. 我没想到价钱涨得那么快。

❿ 我的现金不够买这条裙子了。I can't afford this skirt with cash.

对话 A: I can't afford this skirt with cash. 我的现金不够买这条裙子了。

B: You can use credit card. 你可以用信用卡。

上一篇:名篇背诵:Intelligent Love 明智的爱
下一篇:翻译辨析:You really flatter me.你真的太抬举我了。