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英语笑话:Meet in the Heaven 天堂相会


英语笑话:Meet in the Heaven 天堂相会

Meet in the Heaven

Two friends named Jimmy and Johnny were standing at the Pearly Gates when Jimmy asked Johnny how he had got there.

“Hypothermia,”he answered.“You?”

“You won’t believe it!I was sure my wife was cheating on me,so I came home from work early one day to catch her. I accused my wife of her unfaithfulness and searched the entire house looking for the guy without any luck. I felt so bad about the whole ordeal that I had a heart attack right on the kitchen floor,”replied Jimmy.

“Oh man,”Johnny said,“ If you had bothered to check the walk-in-freezer,we’d both be alive!”


1.Pearly Gates - 珍珠门,通常指天堂的入口。

2.Hypothermia - 低温症,指体温过低。

3.accused - 指控,控告。

4.unfaithfulness - 不忠。

5.search - 搜索。

6.heart attack - 心脏病发作。

7.kitchen floor - 厨房地板。

8.walk-in-freezer - 大型立式冷冻室。

9.ordeal - 痛苦的经历。

10.bothered - 费心,费力。






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