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1. 通风透气:保持室内外空气流通,尽量让空气流动起来,有助于减少潮湿。

2. 除湿机:在潮湿季节或地区,使用除湿机可以帮助去除室内多余的水分,保持空气干燥。

3. 开窗透气:每天开窗通风,尤其是在早晨和傍晚空气相对干燥的时候,可以有效减少室内湿气。

4. 防霉措施:在易发霉的地方,可以使用防霉剂或竹炭包等去除潮气,预防霉菌滋生。


1. 室内湿度一般控制在50%-60%为宜,可搭配使用湿度计来监测。

2. 衣物、床品等容易滋生霉菌的物品要经常拿出来晾晒,保持干燥。

3. 注意排水系统的畅通,避免积水。

4. 在潮湿季节多喝一些排湿茶,有助于祛湿。

5. 每周对家里进行一次彻底清洁,特别是潮湿易藏污垢的地方。




Damp harm nots allow to ignore

Damp environment brings inconvenience to the life of people not only, cause healthy problem possibly still. In be in damp environment for a long time bring about skin Sao easily the phenomenon such as urticant, articulatory ache, anorexia. In the meantime, damp environment also is mould, bacterium cause offerred a condition, cause potential menace to health.

Dispel wet method is analytic

1.Ventilated breathe freely: Maintain airiness of room inside and outside, let air flow rise as far as possible, conduce to reduce moisture.

2.Dehumidify machine: Be in damp season or area, use dehumidify machine can help the moisture with indoor and redundant purify, maintain air dry.

3.Open a window to breathe freely: Open a window everyday ventilated, it is especially when morning and dusk air are relatively dry, can reduce indoor damp effectively.

4.Mouldproof measure: Be in easy mildewy place, can use the purify moisture in the air such as mould inhibitor or bamboo charcoal bag, prevent mould to cause.

Dispel Shi Xiaotie person

1.Ordinary control is in indoor humidity50%-60%Advisable, can match useHygroscopicWill monitor.

2.Clothings, bed tastes the article that waits for bacterium of easy grow mildew to want to often take air to bask in, keep dry.

3.AttentionDischarge water system allexpedite, avoid seeper.

4.Drink more in damp season a fewDischarge wet tea, conduce to dispel wet.

5.Be opposite every week undertake in the homeThoroughly clean, hide the place of bilge easily damply especially.

Acknowledgment is read

Acknowledgment reads the article, wet method of hope above dispel and small stick person can bring a help for your life, let you leave damp, have more healthy and comfortable surroundings.

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