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the traveler of downy to wanting to explore Tibet deep natural scene and distinctive culture, Sweet case lira(Shangri-La) the destination that is an ideal undoubtedly. Regard Tibet as downy one part, sweet case lira has gallant snow mountain, mysterious cloister and rich Cang Chuanfo to teach culture, let a tourist as if place oneself at a haven of peace general.

Natural scene

Sweet Gelilade is in the north that Yunnan saves, it is Chinese southwest saves one of most whole zoology environments. Grand Meilixue is had here hill, clear the La Yuegu that sees an end and the prairie of length and breadth of land, give a tourist the natural experience of acme. Ascend a snow mountain in the plum, the gallant scenery that can look down at cloud and mist winds around, and in La Yuegu in hiking, can appreciate halcyon and clear laky with green hill green water.

Cang Chuanfo teachs culture

Area of sweet case lira is the one part of Tibetan highland, because this was full of deep Cang Chuanfo,teach culture. Here has the cloister with a lot of long histories, among them Lin Si of the famousest assist of pine wanting number, this temple was built 1679, it is one of Huang Jiao fane with the biggest Tibet. The tourist can be here chant of listen respectfully lection, experience devotional devotional atmosphere, and the beauty that appreciates cloister architectural art.

Folk-custom culture

Besides grandiose and magnificent natural sight and long religious culture, sweet case lira still is preserving rich folk-custom culture. The tourist can admire the traditional dress of local Tibetian people and handicraft to taste, in the festal celebration that participates in them, experience them peculiar lifestyle and consuetudinary. In addition, sweet case lira still is producing area of world-renowned loose fine and soft, the tourist can taste the Tibetian cate with authentic savor.

No matter be pursuit nature scene, still be interest of pair of Buddhist culture and folk-custom wind affection, go the demand that sweet case lira travels to be able to satisfy a tourist. Here magical with unique part, enjoy oneself so much as to forget to leave letting a person, as if place oneself elfland is general.

Thank you to read the article, the help that the hope can bring your more to travel about sweet case lira and inspire.
