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  • 体格测量: 包括身高、体重和头围的测量,用于评估儿童的生长和发育情况。
  • 视力和听力测试: 检查儿童的视力和听力功能,及时发现并处理视听障碍问题。
  • 心理行为评估: 评估儿童的行为和心理发育,及时发现和干预可能存在的问题。
  • 疫苗接种: 根据预防接种日历,对儿童进行必要的疫苗接种,提高免疫力。
  • 营养指导: 评估儿童的饮食习惯,提供合理的营养建议。
  • 常见疾病筛查: 对贫血、肝炎等常见疾病进行筛查,及时发现并治疗。






Children checkup is groovy

The health of children is the key that parents pay close attention to, and checkup is one of important ways that ensure children is healthy. Complete children checkup grows besides what can discover children in time and outside development problem, still can evaluate children to look predecessor system condition offers necessary precautionary health care to coach. Understand technological process of children convention checkup quickly, let we pay close attention to better and take care of the child's health.

It is a few groovy content in children checkup below:

  • Constitution measures: Include the height, measurement that weight and head surround, use at assessing the growth of children and development situation.
  • Eyesight and audition check: Check the eyesight of children and audition function, discover in time and handle issue of obstacle of seeing and hearing.
  • Psychological behavior evaluates: Assess the behavior of children and psychological growth, seasonable discovery and interpose may put the issue that be in.
  • Vaccine is vaccinal: According to vaccinate calendar, undertake necessary vaccinal have an inoculation to children, enhance immune power.
  • Nutrition is directive: Evaluate the dietary habit of children, offer reasonable nutrient proposal.
  • Common disease sieve checks: Undertake sifting checking to the common disease such as anaemic, hepatitis, discover in time and treat.

Afore-mentioned content are the groovy project in children checkup only, as the change of child age and constitution, the examination project that still can have specific aim needs to undertake.

Have children checkup correctly, can discover potential and healthy problem in time not only, still can grow for the child's health provide strong safeguard. Parents answer nurturance looks after children regularly the habit that has checkup, dog in time body development of the child and healthy state.

The hope carries the article, you can understand better how to have children checkup correctly, the force that is healthy growing him contribution of the child thereby.

Thank you to read the article, hope to be helped somewhat to you.
