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1. 天一阁:坐落于市中心地区,是中国古代藏书文化和建筑艺术的杰出代表,也是中国现存最古老的私家藏书楼。

2. 宁波博物馆:拥有丰富的历史文物陈列,其中以洛阳夜郎国墓出土的文物最为珍贵。

3. 东钱湖旅游度假区:东钱湖以碧水、丛林和岛屿而著称,是宁波著名的风景区。


1. 鲅鱼水饺:宁波水饺的特色小吃,馅料主要为鲅鱼。

2. 老汤鸡:宁波人推崇的滋补美食,选用老母鸡加上精心熬制的高汤。

3. 河豚火锅:宁波不可错过的特色美食,新鲜的河豚肉以及鲜美的汤底让人回味无穷。


1. 天一广场:宁波的购物中心之一,集时尚购物、休闲娱乐和美食文化于一体。

2. 鼓楼商圈:汇集了大型购物中心、特色小吃街和文化创意产品,适合一日游的购物打卡地。



Peaceful wave brief introduction

Regard Chinese history culture as one of famous cities, Ning BoBe located in Zhejiang to save the eastpart part coastal, it is one of central cities with main area of economy of delta of the Yangtse River. Ning Bo is having rich historical culture details and distinctive natural scene, element has " of city of " another name for Ningbo say.

Ning Bo goes surely tourist attraction

1.Tian Yige: Be located at downtown area, it is Chinese ancient time collects books culture and the crackajack delegate that build art, also be China existent the oldest illicit home collects books building.

2.Peaceful wave museum: Have rich historical cultural relic to display, the cultural relic that comes up out of land with grave of country of Luoyang night man among them is most precious.

3.Money lake travel goes vacationing east area: East Qian Hu is celebrated with green jade water, forest and islands, it is Ning Bo's famous beauty spot.

Peaceful wave cate

1.Spanish mackerel boiled dumpling: The characteristic of peaceful wave boiled dumpling is fastfood, stuffing makings basically is Spanish mackerel.

2.Old soup chicken: The nourishing cate of praise highly of peaceful wave person, choose old hen to be added boil the soup-stock that make meticulously.

3.Balloonfish chaffy dish: The characteristic cate that Ning Bo cannot miss, fresh balloonfish pork and delicious soup bottom make person aftertaste boundless.

Peaceful wave shopping heaven

1.Day one square: One of Ning Bo's shopping centers, market fad shops, recreational recreation and cate culture at an organic whole.

2.Drum-tower business is encircled: Assemble large shopping center, characteristic is fastfood street and culture originality product, suit those who swim one day to shop the ground that play card.

Above is a few wonderful content that travel about Ning Bo, hope this strategy can help you understand the travel with program peaceful wave better. Thank you read, the hope can bring a help for your journey!

