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西安电子科技大学(Xidian University)是一所以信息科学技术为主,工学、管理学、经济学、文学、法学、理学等多学科协调发展的全国重点大学,也是教育部直属并列入国家“211工程”和首批高水平大学建设高校。作为具有深厚学科积淀和研究实力的学府,其研究生教育也备受瞩目。


  • 登录西安电子科技大学研究生招生网,填写个人信息并提交相关材料。
  • 缴纳报名费并等待学校确认。
  • 查看初审、复试通知。
  • 参加复试。
  • 等待录取结果。






Net of recruit students of graduate student of college of Xi'an electron science and technology

University of Xi'an electron science and technology (Xidian University) be one so information science and technology is given priority to, labour learns, the countrywide key university that the much discipline such as tubal a Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties, economics, literature, law, a Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties coordinates development, also be directly under of Ministry of Education includes a country " 211 projects " build a college with first Gao Shuiping university. As have the institution of higher learning that deep course is accumulated and studies actual strength, education of its graduate student also suffers fully fix eyes upon.

Sign up for distinguished personages Cheng:

  • Net of recruit students of graduate student of college of science and technology of entry Xi'an electron, fill in individual information submits relevant data.
  • Pay signs up to expend and await the school to affirm.
  • Examine announcement of first trial, second-round exam.
  • Attend a second-round exam.
  • Wait to admit a result.

Major introduction:
Regard course of national emphasis key as the college of construction, university of Xi'an electron science and technology has the graduate student major that covers the field such as safety of space of science of science of information and communication project, advanced production project, computer and technology, control and project, electron and communication project, network, cover a range wide, deepness is deep.

Recruit students policy:
The school follows fair, just, open principle, according to entrance exam of graduate student of Ministry of Education center of censorial appraise sth through discussion integrates an organization " outline of exam of entrance exam of countrywide Master graduate student " undertake recruit students works, mode of ceaseless innovation recruit students, extend eye shot of internationalization recruit students.

Be aimed at the fellow student that wants to assiduously study a graduate student, carry network of recruit students of graduate student of college of Xi'an electron science and technology, the recruit students policy that you can know the school deep, flow signing up and the circumstance of each major, the road of the enter a higher school that is oneself has made sufficient preparation.

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