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1. “三牲”汤


2. 水煮鲤鱼


3. 团头焙子


4. 黄焖大闸蟹


5. 荆山兔头


6. 牛肉烩面


7. 漯河板面


8. 七喜猪肚鸡


9. 凉皮


10. 磨香油饼





1."3 animal sacrifice " soup

Of Luo river " 3 animal sacrifice " soup is one of local traditional cate, make by lung of pork liver, pig and pig bowel, match with fresh local characteristic vegetable, soup color is clear, delicious and goluptious, it is to be full of home town olfactory nourishing beautiful is tasted.

2.Water boils a carp

Luo river water boils a carp to choose place's fresh carp to make, with hemp hot condiment is given priority to, cooking gives fresh and tender fish, shang Zhixian is sweet full-bodied, hot and not dry, fascinating.

3.Round head bakes child

The round head of Luo river bakes child it is a kind of traditional cake, cortical and golden crisp, inside stuffing mouthfeel is distinctive, sweet and not be bored with, every can be experienced readily advocate the intention of hutch is cooked.

4.Yellow stew crab

Luo river is raw material with place's excellent crab, join tailor-made yellow stew to juice is cooked and be become, crab flesh is delicious, mouthfeel fat. Be mingled with of thick flavour of the ovary and digestive glands of the crab is worn the aroma of yellow stew juice, lick one's chaps making a person.

5.Head of hare of chaste tree hill

Head of hare of chaste tree hill is Luo river place's distinguished traditional cate, choose head of local earth hare to make, assist with distinctive condiment, cooking exit sense is fresh and tender, spicy and not of be bored with delicate.

6.Beef braise face

The beef braise face of Luo river chooses place's fresh and tender beef, match with exquisite noodle, in the bovine bone soup of immerge sweet alcohol, soup juice is delicious, noodle Q is played, the aftertaste is boundless.

7.Luo river board face

Luo river one of characteristic cate that board face is place, choose handiwork of tall muscle flour to roll is made and be become, mouthfeel muscle, entrance bright slips, tie-in sauce expects and distribute food, the aftertaste is boundless.

8.Chicken of abdomen of pig of 7 happy event

Chicken of abdomen of pig of 7 happy event is given priority to with genu of pig abdomen, pig and earthy chicken makings, join distinctive condiment, slow fire is stewed make and become. Chicken is fresh and tender, pig abdomen soft glutinous, flavor is unique, the nourishing beautiful that is widely known is tasted.

9.Cool skin

The cool skin of Luo river is made with gram face, add various burden, mouthfeel is sweet slip, relaxed and delicious, it is the superexcellent choice of summer disappear heat.

10.Grind balm cake

Of Luo river outside grinding balm cake crisp in tender, sending out thick balm flavour, it is a kind of classical place fastfood, aftertaste letting a person is boundless.

Luo river the city of this cate, gathered together elite of culture of a lot of cate, each cate is bearing the weight of thick local characteristic and humanitarian details. No matter be to sample traditional cate of place, still seek the characteristic in the city fastfood, can let you appreciate the humanitarian glamour that abounds to this city.

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