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  • 用途:首先需考虑购买数码相机的用途,是旅游拍摄、专业摄影还是日常记录等。
  • 预算:根据预算来选择合适的数码相机,不同类型的数码相机价格差距较大。
  • 像素:像素决定了照片的清晰度,一般来说,像素越高的数码相机拍摄的照片质量越高。
  • 功能:需根据个人对相机功能的需求来选择,如光学变焦、防抖功能等。
  • 品牌:知名品牌的数码相机通常质量更有保障,但价格也相对较高。



  • 便携式数码相机:索尼DSC-RX100M7,拥有优秀的画质和便携性。
  • 单反相机:佳能EOS 90D,适合追求高画质和专业功能的用户。
  • 微单相机:索尼α6400,具有快速自动对焦和出色的视频拍摄能力。



Digital camera sort introduces

In current number age, digital camera sort is various, include portable number camera, sheet to oppose a variety of kinds such as camera, small only watch for a chance.

Digital camera chooses a guideline

When choosing digital camera, can have a consideration from the following respects.

  • Utility: Need to consider to buy the use of digital camera above all, it is travel films, professional photography or daily record.
  • Budget: Will choose equal digital watch for an opportunity according to the budget, the difference of digital camera price of different type is bigger.
  • Resemble element: Decided the definition of the photograph like element, generally speaking, the picture quality that taller like element number camera films is higher.
  • Function: Need to choose according to the individual to the demand of camera function, like optical scorch, prevent shake a function to wait.
  • Brand: Normally quality has the digital watch for an opportunity of well-known trademark more safeguard, but the value is relative also taller.

Digital camera is recommended

Choose a guideline according to above, can recommend price of a few sexes to compare tall digital camera:

  • Portable number camera: Suo Ni DSC-RX100M7, have fine painting to be mixed character portable sex.
  • Sheet turns over camera: Beautiful can EOS 90D, suit to go after Gao Hua to be mixed character the user of professional function.
  • Small only watch for a chance: Suo Ni α 6400, have be opposite automatically quickly anxious film with outstanding video ability.

The choice guideline that adopts above and recommend, believe you can find the digital watch for an opportunity that suits your, let you when filming more handy! Thank you to read the article, the hope can help you.

