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Know the child's interest and development level

The Yo that should choose to suit the child move free, the interest interest that needs to know the child above all and current and located development phase. Different age paragraph the child is nodded to stirring the interest that overflow and cognitive ability is having apparent difference, because this needs a basis,the child's age and development characteristic choose relevant content.

The choice accords with what education directs to move free work

Yo move free go up in recreational foundation, ought to have fair educational value. When the parent is choosing to move free work, can consider mainly its accumulate contained education is oriented, whether can deliver for example energy, active up viewpoint of value, whether can inspire the child's imagination and creativity.

Attention touchs the quality that overflow and visible effect

High grade Yo move free ought to have the good quality that make and outstanding visible effect. Picture clarity, elegant, dub in background music is beautiful, sound clarity, these elements can enhance the appeal that the child overflows to moving, help they understand better and accept content.

Understanding moves the educational property that overflow and knowledge to gain ground

A few Yo move free work to be able to blend in the educational element such as general knowledge of scientific knowledge, literacy, such work can be in recreational at the same time, the knowledge with be offerred certain is illuminative. Accordingly, the parent can pay close attention to these respects more when the choice, help child learns more and useful knowledge in relaxed and pleasant atmosphere.

Develop the child's observation and thinking ability

Yo move free help the child increase study interest not only, return the observation that can foster them and thinking ability. Watching in using the process that overflow, the act that the child can pass a part and decision-making will learn those who differ to ponder over means, promote oneself thinking the standard then.

Anyhow, the Yo that chooses to suit the child move overflowing is the issue that needs to consider many sided factor integratedly. Have the effective demand according to the child only, the educational quality that combines work and view and admire the effect, ability is offerred for the child quite more high grade move free study to experience.

Thank you to read chrestomathy piece article, the Yo that hopes to pass this article to be able to help the parent choose to suit the child better move free, enhance study interest of the child and dedicated power.

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