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  • 深入解读《论语》:逐句解析,理解其中的仁义礼智信等核心价值观念
  • 探讨《大学》与《中庸》思想:学习其中的道德观念与处世哲学
  • 诠释《孟子》思想:领会孟子的仁政之道,探寻人心与社会的关系
  • 体会《道德经》智慧:领悟道德经的哲理,应用于当代社会生活
  • 深度解读《周易》:理解周易的变化观念与决策智慧





Culture of tradition of Beijing University China is high take advanced courses course, aid you to understand marrow of China tradition culture deep

Culture of tradition of Beijing University China is high take rank class, it is one aims to help student know the advanced course of marrow of China tradition culture deep more. This curricular base oneself upon Yu Zhonghua is bright 5000 civilized, focusing is classical composing, those who pass special training course impart, lead student to enter the state with China tradition more abstruse culture.

In this course, student will say fine solution through the teacher's essence, appreciate a country to learn stage by stage classical broad and profound. Student people will learn such as systematically " the analects of confucius " , " university " , " middle " , " Mencius " , " moral classics " , " Zhouyi " wait for classic work, deep understanding among them accumulate contained viewpoint of value reads aloud He Zhihui.

Through studying these classic work, student people aux will be able to is comprehended gradually quite among them accumulate contained thought marrow, apply in daily life and working practice then. Culture of tradition of Beijing University China is high encourage student into rank class through considering differentiate and practice, realize the essence of China tradition culture and intention deeply, the ray blossoms in letting archaic wisdom live now.

Curricular content is summarized

  • Unscramble deep " the analects of confucius " : Sentence by sentence analytic, understand among them Renyili the core value sense such as wisdom letter
  • Discuss " university " with " middle " thought: Study among them morality sense and philosophy of life
  • Explain " Mencius " thought: Understand the way of the Mencius' policy of benevolence, seek the relationship of popular feeling and society
  • Experience " moral classics " wisdom: Comprehend the philosophic theory of moral classics, application lives at contemporary society
  • Deepness unscrambles " Zhouyi " : Understand the metabolic idea of Zhouyi and decision-making wisdom

Above content is curricular overview only, real course will more detailed with development, those who aid you to appreciate Chinese traditional culture in the round is luxuriant as big as rich.

Culture of tradition of Beijing University China is high take rank class, be traditional to China culture is immanent seek with realization brigade, devote oneself to to lead student to be in tradition and in blending contemporarily, reach the raising of things to a higher level of the heart and wisdom.

Thank you to read the article, believe to carry this article, you understand tradition of Beijing University China can more clearly culture is high into rank class, traditional to China culture is having more thorough knowledge.

