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1. 励志成长:小草的成长之路


2. 友情互助:小狼与小羊的故事


3. 学会尊重:雷锋的故事






The story is the important way of human inheritance culture and knowledge, and the story with educational far-reaching meaning can touch popular feeling more, inspire think. Here, we will share a few narratives that fill educational meaning, the life that believes they meet you brings a few warmth and enlightenment.

1.Encourage mark grows: The grow road of small grass

From small seed sprouts, to grow to join extremely big tree, each pace experienced the ablution of harships and sunshine. Small grass tells us, no matter encounter what kind of difficulty, want to insist to grow up, because of the process that the process that grow tries hard namely. Its story church children the character of unremitting, also give adult the inspiration with profundity: Life is more flowery because of holding to.

2.Friendship helps each other: The story of small wolf and lamb

Small wolf and lamb are natural enemy originally, be in however in accidental encountering, they became a friend. Small wolf helps what the lamb escaped a hunter chase, the lamb also was pulling small wolf to escape in jeopardy hour silvan fire. This story tells us, no matter be person or animal, want cherish goodness only, can associate with arrives true friend, and true friendly sentiments is altruistic help each other and support.

3.Institutional esteem: Lei Feng's story

Comrade Lei Feng is the achievement widely known that people serves, his story tells us to want to do a nice young person that has love, responsible feeling. Esteem other, care society, make from bagatelle, carry out socialistic core viewpoint of value. Lei Feng's story is incentive generation the person of another generation, teach us to want to do a beneficial to the society person.


Each story Douyun is containing deep educational sense, they not only can warm popular feeling, more can incentive people grows. Hope we can from force of the derive in these stories, ceaseless on the road that grow before row. Thank you to read these stories, believe they can bring a few helps and enlightenment to you.
