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Life ministry individual is summed up | How to summarize experience of life effectively?

In the life of everybody, can accumulate many individual experience and comprehend, these experience are precious fortune not just, also be us at the same time the compass on growing road. However, how be summed up effectively and induce these experience of life, crucial to personal growth and development.

Above all, want to make clear oneself purpose. Individual summary is not simple enumerate is experienced and just experience, should pass summary however these experience, find out among them rule and value, offer for the life henceforth and job draw lessons from and coach.

Next, want to pay attention to detail. When summarizing experience of life, should pay close attention to not only it is important that big event is mixed comprehend, also want the minor details in advertent life at the same time. Because occasionally, those look be like negligible detail, just can bring the most precious enlightenment to us.

In addition, want to pay attention to practice. Summarizing experience of life is not the process of a static state, need ceaseless practice and test and verify however. Use the experience that these summary give through in actual life only, ability examines better its effectiveness and practical.

Finally, want to be good at sharing. The experience that sums up the individual shares the friend beside, family is social masses even, can receive more feedback and proposal not only, at the same time also can the wisdom of the other of experience translate into oneself, realize greater value.

Altogether, summary of life ministry individual is not is a simple record procedure only, a kind of deepness to personal growth and development thinks and carry out however. Through be summed up effectively and sharing experience of life, we can answer prospective challenge better, implementation ego promotes and grow.

Thank you to read this article, hope these methods can help you summarize experience of life better, achieve personal growth and progress.

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