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1. “独有宠辱情无穷,花开时节动京城。”

2. “花自飘零水自流,一种相思,知不知?”


1. “青山一道同云雨,明月何曾是两乡。”

2. “江山代有才人出,各领风骚数百年。”


1. “小荷才露尖尖角,早有蜻蜓立上头。”

2. “白日依山尽,黄河入海流。”




Of nature strong beautiful

The beauty of nature, no matter be capacious open country halcyon still laky, leave deep impression to the person. Flower, green grass, blue sky and Bai Yun, made the appearance with the most beautiful nature. It is the classical line of nature of a few depict below, let we are experienced together or again appreciate this strong beautiful.

About the line of flower

1."Particular the affection that bestow favor on disgrace is boundless, the flower opens season to use a capital. The flower opens season to use a capital..

2."Flower from adrift water do as one pleases, a kind of lovesickness, do not know? Do not know??

About the line of landscape

1."Green hill is the same as making love together, why is the bright moon ever two countryside. Why is the bright moon ever two countryside..

2."Country generation has ability person to go out, each get coquettish number hundred years. Each get coquettish number hundred years..

About seasonal line

1."Small carry on one's shoulder just shows pointed pointed character, early dragonfly establishs above. Early dragonfly establishs above..

2."Bairi depends on hill to use up, the Yellow River enters ocean current. The Yellow River enters ocean current..

These line are we are familiar in the text probably, it is our familiar to the ear probably can of detailed, but each consistent deputy picture, draw the outline of the beautiful outline of a nature. Walk when us when nature is medium, might as well have the aid of these line, will experience the glamour of nature.

Thank you to read the article, hope the line of these depict nature can bring your more to be mixed to the passion of nature comprehend.
