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In between all the measures to battle the severe air pollution levels in Delhi, there's one more option for you — a bar that has "pure air". Founded by Aryavir Kumar and Margarita Kuritsyana, Delhi's first-ever oxygen bar — named 'Oxy Pure' — offers 15 minutes of 80-90 percent pure oxygen starting from Rs 299. 在所有对抗德里严重空气污染的措施中,你还有一个新的选择,那就是提供“纯净空气”的氧吧。由雅利瓦尔· 库马尔和玛格丽塔· 库里茨亚娜创建的这家德里首个氧吧名为“纯净氧气”,顾客在这里可以呼吸15分钟纯度为80%到90%的氧气,起价299卢比(约合29元人民币)。 The bar, which was launched in May, also offers its customers several aromas to choose from that can be infused with oxygen that is odourless. The aromas include lemongrass, lavender, cherry, eucalyptus and more. 这家氧吧5月开业,为顾客提供多种可选择的香气,这些香气可以与无味的氧气混合。香味包括柠檬草、薰衣草、樱桃、桉树等。 Customers are given a nasal canula, which is a lightweight tube, used for supplementary oxygen intake. The device is placed near the customer's nostrils through which they are advised to breathe in the aroma-infused oxygen. 顾客会得到一个很轻的鼻管,用来吸入氧气。吸氧设备放置在顾客的鼻孔附近,这样顾客就可以吸入充满芳香的氧气。 According to the aroma you choose, each session promises to improve one's sinus, sleep patterns and digestion, cure headaches and migraines, and even claims to work as a remedy for depression. 商家承诺,顾客选择不同的香味,可以在每次吸氧后改善鼻窦炎、睡眠模式和消化状况,治愈头痛和偏头痛,甚至治疗抑郁症。 "I was passing by and saw that they were offering pure oxygen. I thought I'll give it a try and went for the lemongrass flavour. It was refreshing," Manjul Mehta, a customer at Oxy Pure told indianexpress.com. 氧吧顾客曼珠尔·梅塔告诉印度快报网站说:“我经过时看到他们提供纯氧。我想尝试一下,试试柠檬草的味道,真是清新提神。”

Speaking to indianexpress.com, Bonny Irengbam, senior sales assistant at the bar, said customers were responding to the sessions positively. 氧吧的高级销售助理邦尼·艾伦巴姆在接受印度快报采访时表示,顾客的反响非常好。 "Some people, who try it for the first time, will feel relaxed and fresh. But only people who undergo the sessions regularly will get real benefits of the aroma," he added. 他还说道:“有些人第一次尝试时,会感到放松和新鲜。但只有经常来吸氧的人才能真正享受到香味氧气的益处。” Irengbam points out that they don't encourage back-to-back session and advises his customers to stick with the 10 to 15-minute sessions a day. 艾伦巴姆指出,他们不鼓励连续吸氧,并建议客户一天吸氧时间在10到15分钟。 "Though we have regular customers, we don't encourage back-to-back sessions, as increased levels of oxygen in the body can make a person dizzy. It is advisable to do it once or twice a month," he said. 他说:“虽然我们有老主顾,但我们不鼓励连续吸氧,因为体内的氧气含量增加会使人头晕。最好可以每月吸氧一两次。” Dr Rajesh Chawla, who is a senior consultant in respiratory medicine at the Indraprastha Apollo Hospital Delhi, said that though such sessions do not have any side-effects, it does not have any long-term benefits either. "Even if you breathe in the so-called pure oxygen for two hours in a day, you will go back to breathing the polluted air for the rest of the 22 hours," he said. He added that the concept is purely a capitalistic move. 拉杰·什查拉博士是德里因陀罗普罗斯泰阿波罗医院的呼吸医学高级顾问,他说,虽然这种疗程没有任何副作用,但也没有任何长期益处。他说:“即使你每天吸入所谓的纯氧两小时,在剩下的22小时里,你还是会继续呼吸被污染的空气。”他补充说,这个概念纯粹是为了赚钱。 Recalling the initial days of the bar, Irengbam admitted that people were sceptical and only a few people came forward to try it."Many people criticised, saying we were selling air, others were scared to breathe through the canula". 回想起开设氧吧的最初几天,艾伦巴姆承认人们对此表示怀疑,只有少数人愿意尝试。“许多人批评说,我们是在卖空气,还有些人害怕通过导管呼吸。” Irengbam said the bar saw a significant rise in the number of customers two to three days after Diwali, as the pollution levels were high adding that people are warming up to the idea of an oxygen bar. ”They have realised the need for it,” he said. The bar also provides portable oxygen cans, which is easy to carry around and works like an inhaler. 艾伦巴姆说,在排灯节(印度的宗教节日)之后的两三天,氧吧的顾客数量有了显著的增长,因为那段时间污染水平很高,人们开始对氧吧产生了兴趣。他说:“他们已经意识到这种需求。”该氧吧还提供便携式氧气罐,便于携带,就像一个吸入器。

