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初中英语作文8篇 :A Day to Remember 难忘的一天


初中英语作文8篇 :A Day to Remember 难忘的一天

  • 1. 初中英语作文 :A Day to Remember 难忘的一天

    I'll never forget the day I saw the Northern Lights. It was a clear night, and the sky was filled with a magical dance of colors. It was like a dream, and I felt so lucky to witness such a natural wonder.



    - Northern Lights: 北极光

    - Clear night: 晴朗的夜晚

    - Magical: 神奇的

    - Natural wonder: 自然奇观

    2. 初中英语作文 :A Day to Remember 难忘的一天

    Yesterday was a day to cherish. I volunteered at the local animal shelter, and it was heartwarming to see the animals find new homes. It reminded me of the importance of kindness.



    - Volunteer: 志愿者

    - Animal shelter: 动物收容所

    - Heartwarming: 心里暖暖的

    - Kindness: 善良

    3. 初中英语作文 :A Day to Remember 难忘的一天

    It was a day of adventure. I went hiking in the mountains and reached the summit just as the sun was setting. The view from the top was breathtaking, and I felt a sense of accomplishment.



    - Adventure: 冒险

    - Hiking: 徒步

    - Summit: 山顶

    - Breathtaking: 令人叹为观止

    - Accomplishment: 成就感

    4. 初中英语作文 :A Day to Remember 难忘的一天

    The day I performed in the school play was unforgettable. I was nervous but also excited. When the curtain closed, I felt a rush of pride and joy.



    - Perform: 表演

    - School play: 校园剧

    - Nervous: 紧张的

    - Pride: 自豪

    5. 初中英语作文 :A Day to Remember 难忘的一天

    A memorable day was when I learned to swim. I was scared at first, but with practice, I overcame my fear. It was a day of growth and courage.



    - Memorable: 难忘的

    - Learn to swim: 学会游泳

    - Overcome: 克服

    - Growth: 成长

    - Courage: 勇气

    6. 初中英语作文 :A Day to Remember 难忘的一天

    Yesterday, I had a day to remember. I visited the museum and saw ancient artifacts that told stories of the past. It was an enlightening experience.



    - Museum: 博物馆

    - Ancient artifacts: 古代文物

    - Stories: 故事

    - Enlightening: 启迪人心的

    7. 初中英语作文 :A Day to Remember 难忘的一天

    The day I planted a tree in our school garden was special. It was a small act, but it made me feel like I was contributing to the environment.



    - Plant: 种植

    - School garden: 学校花园

    - Act: 动作

    - Contribute: 贡献

    - Environment: 环境

    8. 初中英语作文 :A Day to Remember 难忘的一天

    The day I received my award was a day to remember. I worked hard for it, and the recognition felt incredible. It was a day of celebration and gratitude.



    - Receive: 收到

    - Award: 奖项

    - Recognition: 认可

    - Celebration: 庆祝

    - Gratitude: 感激

    上一篇:100字英语作文8篇 :My Dream 我的梦想