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翠屏山位于县城西南12.5公里处,俗称水山,以其山势奇峭巍峨,松柏苍郁茂密,恰似一道景色秀美的天然屏障而得名。翠屏山自然景观、文物古迹众多。其中,在白衣阁与玉皇庙之间的山崖间有两石相叠,石缝中生一古柏,树干凌空,树叶青翠,石上有石,石中有柏。平阴古八景之一“水山叠翠”由此而来。峰顶建有宝峰院,是全国罕见的佛道合一寺院,院内有唐代13级石塔——— 多佛塔。每层四周皆辟佛龛,八十四尊石佛结跏趺坐,静观云卷云舒,花开花落。






Gold of Hong Fan float

Hong Fanchi town is located in ministry of southwest of smooth shade county, jinan is new spring of the Hong Fanchi in 72 springs, academy of classical learning, life spring, Hu Quan is located in here, element has " Qi Luquan countryside " beautiful praise. Hong Fanchi renown " Long Chi " , in Hong Fanchi spring group in, most famous. Pool name results from " Hong Fan of · of a high official in ancient China " , take the idea of its flood give in. Long Chi shows a square, all around stone build by laying bricks or stones. The side is each 7 meters long, depth of water makes an appointment with 6 meters, clear see an end. Tourist pitch-and-toss enters a pool, shake rotates cannot fall continuously, boast of in relief illumination is glisten, friend name " gold of Hong Fan float " , for Dong Agu one of 8 scene. Pool bottom reachs 4 walls to come loose spring slowly dip excessive, sun rises the quantity makes an appointment with 1000 stere, water is warm maintain all the year round control in 17 degrees, "Not with drought waterlogged and growth and decline, do not become with wintry summer lukewarm " . Spring of academy of classical learning sees the earliest collection at " water classics is noted " , yuan Mingdong grades a coin, be located in Hong Fanchi to press down village of academy of classical learning below the Tian Chishan east, because bright generation is medium,assist Liu border ever built academy of classical learning beside the spring, spring of renown academy of classical learning. Spring is seamed from the stone below day pool foot of a hill in spew and piece, in assembling square pool of stone build by laying bricks or stones, sun rises water quantity makes an appointment with 8700 stere, it is Hong Fan water emerges to estimate the biggest spring pool in Zhu Quan.

Water Shan Ningcui

Hill of emerald green screen is located in county southwest 12.5 kilometers place, common calls water hill, with lofty of strange high and steep of its hill situation, loose Bai Cangyu is dense, just be like the natural protective screen with a elegant scenery and get a name. Historic site of landscape of nature of hill of emerald green screen, cultural relic is numerous. Among them, there is two stones photograph to fold between the cliff between Bai Yige and jade emperor temple, stone is seamed in unripe one Gu Bai, truncal be high up in the air, the leaf is fresh and green, there is rock on stone, have in stone cypress. One of Gu Bajing that make the same score shade " water hill is folded emerald green " from this and come. Peak top builds courtyard of peak having treasure, it is fane of the whole nation's infrequent Buddha path syncretic, there is Tang Dynasty inside the courtyard tower of 13 class stone -- , much tope. Every all around all monarch niche for a statue of Buddha, buddha of 84 honour stone writtens guarantee Jia Fu sits, easy of Jing Guanyun cirrus, the flower blossoms fall.

Wolf brook spring water

Dong Azhen is ancient Gu Cheng and site of county of Gu Dong A, build city and set a county to all have more than 2000 single-page calendar history, celebrity assemble, it is the authentic country of origin of holy medicine donkey-hide gelatin. Ancient Gu Cheng is Qi Huan fair for fine Guan Zhong " 9 close vassal, save the world " result, for the feod that its set. Open thoroughfaring drive way for 9 provinces since ancient times, the merchant is distributing center town of military importance. The construction of Dong Agu city, extremely use up ancient time geomantic treasure ground, gu Cheng builds style be in harmony rash, another name for Jiangxi Province, advance, short for Shaanxi Province at an organic whole. Ancient building, ancient mill is uniform, strewn at random have send the ground to distributing at two sides of wolf brook river. Only channel is over or across on wolf brook river, be like,the horizontal stroke lies rainbow and the bright generation Gu Qiao of famed far and near- - always aid bridge, formed " east A county two half, wear among wolf brook river " beautiful scenery. "Wolf brook spring water " for Gudonga one of 8 great respect.

Mei Yuan Xianghai

Smooth shade rose spends big, color with its colourful, flavour thick, oil yield is high (the beauty that element has liquid gold praise) and the delegate that becomes Chinese rose. Smooth shade rose helps advance somebody's career the history is long, according to legend is clean introduce a fine variety of kind of Tang Dynasty dignitary, cultivated history is as long as 1300 one's remaining years. When bright generation, make the same score what Yin Mei rares to cultivate already implemented scale quite. Be located in county southwest the rosary of 11 kilometers, only then built 1959, cover an area of 4.67 hectare. Help advance somebody's career inside garden domestic and international breed of nearly 30 roses. Annual May, full garden rose blooms, gorgeous much appearance, aroma is fragrant, your tourist enjoy oneself so much as to forget to leave.

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