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第三天: 伊尔施镇距离阿尔山森林公园50公里,开车1小时到达,不用着急赶路,因为从伊尔施镇到阿尔山的路上风景也特别漂亮,阿尔山景区门票:180元+105元(大巴车),儿童半价。

第四、五天:在阿尔山游览, 阿尔山如果要深度游览一定要两天,而且阿尔山的门票就是两天的,清晨去杜鹃湖看日出,门票上的八个景点:天池、三潭峡、石塘林、地池、大峡谷、杜鹃湖、驼峰岭天池、龟背岩。两天时间完全可以游览完。








1. 磁窑景区:这是一个集文化、休闲、娱乐为一体的景区,景区内有着以磁窑文化为主题的博物馆和展览馆,还有着美丽的自然风光和丰富的娱乐项目。

2. 舜帝陵景区:这是一个以舜帝文化为主题的景区,景区内有着舜帝陵和舜帝文化园等景点,可以了解舜帝文化和历史。

3. 常山国际赛车场:这是一个集赛车、娱乐、休闲为一体的场馆,夏季可以观看到一些赛车比赛和表演。

4. 水上公园:这是邯郸市最大的水上乐园,夏季可以在这里玩水、游泳、嬉戏。

5. 大明湖景区:这是一个以大明湖为中心的景区,景区内有着美丽的湖泊和自然风光,还有着历史悠久的文化遗迹。











1. 平遥古城:平遥古城是中国保存最完整的古代城市之一,被列为世界文化遗产。在夏季,您可以漫步于独特的古老街巷、参观传统的文化建筑,感受浓厚的历史氛围。

2. 云冈石窟:位于大同市郊区,是中国四大石窟艺术宝库之一。这里有许多精美绝伦的佛像和壁画,展示了千年来的艺术与文化。

3. 山西悬空寺:悬空寺位于吕梁山脉峡谷之上,是世界上现存最早、规模最大的悬挂建筑群,具有较高的观赏价值和考古价值。

4. 大同市:大同市有许多著名景点,如雁门关、九龙壁、晋祠等。在夏季,您可以欣赏到美丽的自然风光和丰富多样的历史文化。





1. 长城海滩:位于唐山市内,是中国北方唯一的海滩之一。您可以在海滩上沙滩浴、游泳,尽情享受阳光和海浪。

2. 北戴河风景区:北戴河是唐山最知名的旅游景点之一,拥有美丽的海滩、高尔夫球场和度假村。您可以在那里欣赏到壮丽的海景,还可以品尝到新鲜的海鲜。

3. 赤峰口国家森林公园:这是一个集森林、峡谷、瀑布等自然风景为一体的自然保护区。您可以在那里进行徒步旅行,感受大自然的美妙。

4. 滦州湾湿地公园:这是一个生态湿地公园,拥有广阔的湖泊和丰富多样的植被。您可以在那里观鸟、划船或者骑自行车漫游湿地。

5. 唐山南湖风景区:这是一个集山水风光和文化遗址于一体的景区。您可以在那里参观唐山大地震遗址纪念馆,还可以欣赏到美丽的湖泊和园林。



去山塘街逛街购物、游人工湖,是夏天去苏州比较好的选择之一 因为山塘街处于苏州市区中心地带,有着浓郁的吴文化氛围,集苏州园林、古巷道、特色小吃等于一身,可以满足旅游者的多重需求 此外,苏州还有许多著名的园林,如拙政园、留园等,游览起来也非常的惬意,也是值得推荐的旅游景点










It where summer goes travelling is better that summer goes travelling?

Recommend go inside unconscious, august inside unconscious careless long warbler flies, and particularly cool, be be away for the summer holidays well bethel, recommend a circuitry to you, I had gone, hope to adopt.

The first day: Go Bahrain west division, to Chi Feng rest and reorganization falls, next high speed walk along a country to, open 120 kilometers, predict 2 hours, go area of scene of Yu Longsha lake, live Bahrain right standard is old board press down or banner of ooze of Er of A Lu Ke.

The following day: Set out at 8 o'clock in the morning, bahrain west division goes A Ershan, do not take high speed, path visitting a country, go on the west Wu Qi, corvee labor formerly imposed on Xizang serfs builds a prairie, 800 kilometers, 12 hours, need not look for a tourist attraction, interesting view is completely on the road, and can stop license photograph at any time, fall to A Ershan in the evening, live Yi Er uses a garrison post.

The 3rd day: Yi Er applies a town to be apart from Aershan 50 kilometers of silvan park, drive 1 hour to arrive, need not anxious hurry on with one's journey, the scenery on the road that because be applied from Yi Er,presses down A Ershan is special also and pretty, entrance ticket of area of A Ershan scene: 180 yuan + 105 yuan (bus car) , children half price.

The 4th, 5 days: Visit in A Ershan, if A Ershan wants deepness to visit must two days, and A Ershan's entrance ticket is two days, early morning goes azalea lake sees sunrise, 8 tourist attractions on entrance ticket: Cliff of pool of sky of mountain of lake of pool of day pool, 3 pools gorge, Shi Tanglin, ground, big gorge, cuckoo, hump, curvature of the spinal column. Two days of time can be visited completely.

Apply a town to pull Er hill to make an appointment with 17km to A from Yi Er, those who crossed on top of the city wall is medium oil gas station, see left have a way, see crossing right-hand rotation crosses railroad to be able to see famous A Ershan is old all right continuously after the travel before turning railway station. It is allegedly it is 37 years of Japan the place when be stationed of army of east of Shanhaiguan is built, use stone step it seems that, very solid, still using now. Have distinguishing feature, can take a picture.

A Ershan 4 big characteristic: It is lava scenery, here is the magma after volcano erupts everywhere, big gorge of volcanic barrier lake, lava waits, his place is scarce. 2 be a model go in for sth in a large scale scenery of An Linglin ground, pine of white birch forest, fallen leaves is spread all over. 3 it is a river laky much, with a ha pull lake of loafer of pool of Ha He, day, Wusu to wait, the natural beauty of lakes and mountains. 4 it is the forest land transition to the prairie region, the prairie is spread all over wetly, scenery of the foot of a mountain, administrative levels feels strong.

It where Luoyang summer goes travelling is better that Luoyang summer goes travelling?

1, the Longmen Grottoes: Be located in south Luoyang city town suburb, it is one of 4 big grotto of Chinese, also be one of treasure house of art of Chinese carved stone, be labelled now world culture bequest. The Longmen Grottoes is the place with a pretty scenery, there is a thing here two green hill are opposite, yi Shui slowly east flow, too many beautiful things, it is amuse oneself opts summer well.

2, Bai Yunshan: Its are located in virgin forest of Niu Shan of bend over of south of county of Luoyang city fleabane, by expert scholar praise for natural museum, it is 10 beautiful of Chinese recreational resort, one of China's most beautiful places. Have the mountain peak with many higher height above sea level, among them the mountain peak with top height above sea level, yu Huang carries altitude on the head to be as high as 2216 meters. In sorching summer, it is the good place that be away for the summer holidays more.

3, dragon pool big gorge: Its are located in Luoyang city to bring prefectural north way newly, it is a red cliff a screen-like mountain peak with the model Gu Qun is geological, basically be scene area with gorge, enjoy cereal of Chinese a screen-like mountain peak of the first gorge and ancient marine and natural museum say, the marvellous spectacle can that avalanche ground cracks calls the world a special skill. There is marvellous spectacle of chute of 6 nature mystery groups, 7 big deep and remote pools, 8 natures in scene area, it is amuse oneself opts summer well.

It Han Dan summer goes where travelling is better that Han Dan summer goes where travelling?

1.Area of magnetism kiln scene: This is the scene area that a collect culture, recreational, recreation is an organic whole, there are the museum that gives priority to a problem with magnetism kiln culture and exhibition inside scene area, the natural view that still having beauty and rich recreational project.

2.Area of Shun Diling scene: This is the scene area that with Shun emperor culture gives priority to a problem one, there are Shun Diling and Shun emperor culture to wait for a tourist attraction field inside scene area, can know Shun emperor culture and history.

3.Field of racing bicycle of international of the root of antipyretic dichroa: This is motorcycle race of a market, recreation, recreational the place that is an organic whole, the summer can watch match of a few racing bicycle and show.

4.The park on water: This is the Eden on Han Dan city's biggest water, the summer can be here dabble, swim, play.

5.Big area of bright lake scene: This is with big the scene area that bright lake is a center, what there is beauty inside scene area is laky with natural scene, still having the history long culture is vestigial.

Above is the commendation that summer of Dan of a few Han travels, the tourist attraction that can suit oneself according to oneself interest and time choice is headed for.

It boat hill summer goes where travelling is better that boat hill summer goes where travelling?

Warm summer of boat hill winter is cool, summer goes the seaside is very good, although the sea of the East China Sea is a little yellow, a person goes general Tuo hill is very good, over there exceedingly quiet, go up namely insular entrance ticket is some more expensive, went June optimal, the typhoon is probably August, summerly end fall is commonner, upstairs those who say east extremely pretty good, but east extremely outer of great capacity may be light seasick, travel tourist attraction of Zhou Shan is on the island, if living, cheap liaison man is compared in this island this island goes to the lavatory quite to the isle, can go by day each islands answer calm sea to live in the evening

It where Jinan summer goes travelling is better that Jinan summer goes travelling?

Go fizzling out mew reservoir is optimal. Reason is as follows:

One, journey is close, road condition is good. Make an appointment with 1 half hours to this ground by the urban district, and south the stream of people of travel goes less more, trip is more successful. Road condition is better at the same time, it is 4 driveway likely, highway evenness eye shot is open, all the way field scene all stops eye ground.

2, the environment is good, humanitarian breath is grumous. Surface of yellow mew reservoir is capacious, water nature is uniform blue sky of green jade water, traces of human presence is less the environment is peaceful. Especially reservoir the eastern side is built have one corridor bridge, the window is faced to set a desk and chair inside corridor, for swimming bearing tea rests with respect to . Especially drink respect makes a person remember You Shen, meal Lai all is the farmhouse characteristic chicken that stew, it is farmhouse comes loose raised earthy chicken, ground kitchen stews the standing grain that use bavin to make and be become, flavour is full-bodied sweet thick. Bean curd is spring water make, delicate tastily. Still have scamper mint, leaf of scamper Chinese prickly ash does not have local color. Let a person with pleasure, tine leaves lingering fragrance.

3, the history is long, humanitarian color is rich. North of reservoir large dams is built have Huang Chaomiao, offer pay homage to of person hold a memorial ceremony for. According to account, the Christian era 875 years by yellow mew, the person leader such as Wang Xianzhi holds a farmer to uprise, because spread behavioral war for a long time, rear without stability cause uprise failure with masses foundation. This uprise is Tang Mo the history is the longest, affect the most far-reaching farmer uprise, bring about Tang Mo national power to decline greatly directly. This reservoir is defeated for Huang Chaobing regressive the ground that defend, in order to send stage a comeback. Herein builds reservoir later, with Huang Chaoming the name commemorates with showing. Every time tourist ascends the stairs the Huang Chaoshi inside Jing Bai temple, can cannot refrain from recital " need Qiu Laijiu month 8, the 100 flowers after I am spent are killed. Towering sweet blast appear Chang'an, full city all takes gold shell. " one poem, experience yellow mew deeply to uprise as the farmer cacique, oath graph repudiates gubernatorial towering bold and generous condition. 4, on the way the scenery is picturesque. In road going there and back, you can admire the peculiar scenery by highway. Be in especially the summer, water is enough fountainhead is exuberant, the water of spring arranges wayside cliff and next formation before chute of look into the distance is hanged plain scene, your person stays to forget to return repeatedly.

It where Taiyuan summer goes travelling is better that Taiyuan summer goes travelling?

Taiyuan is the provincial capital town that Chinese Shanxi visits, summer goes Taiyuan travel has a lot of good place. It is a few commendatory summertime travel tourist attractions below:

1.The Gu Cheng that make the same score Yao: The Gu Cheng that make the same score Yao is China saves one of the wholest ancient time towns, bequest of culture of the world that be labelled. In the summer, you can stroll to be built at the culture of distinctive old street alley, visiting tradition, experience grumous historical atmosphere.

2.Cloud ridge grotto: Be located in area of Great Harmony environs, it is one of treasure house of 4 big grotto art. Here has the figure of Buddha of a lot of elegant unsurpassed and mural, revealed the art that chiliad comes to and culture.

3.Shanxi is impending temple: Impending temple is located in over gorge of Lv bridge mountain range, it is the world on existent the suspension with the earliest, the largest scale is built group, have taller view and admire value and archaeology value.

4.Great Harmony city: Great Harmony city has a lot of famous tourist attractions, if wild goose door shuts, ancestral temple of 9 dragon wall, advance. In the summer, you can enjoy the historical culture of beautiful natural scene and rich diversity.

In addition, taiyuan periphery still has area of a few natural condition, wait like 5 hill, constant hill. These places are the right choice that the summer travels.

When the summer travels, notice to do work of good sunstroke prevention please, if reasonable arrangement goes Cheng, avoid to insolate midday, drink water to wait more. In the meantime, know the weather of destination and traffic state ahead of schedule, make reasonable trechometer delimit. Wish you journey is happy!

It where Tang Shan summer goes travelling is better that Tang Shan summer goes travelling?

Summer goes Tang Shan travels, you can consider the following tourist attractions:

1.Great Wall beach: Be located in inside Tang Shan city, it is one of beach with Chinese exclusive north. You can go up in beach beach bath, swim, enjoy sunshine and ocean wave to the top of one's bent.

2.North wears river beauty spot: North wears a river is one of Tang Shan's famousest travel tourist attractions, field of the beach that has beauty, golf and go vacationing village. You can admire gallant seascape over, still can taste the seafood with fresh savor.

3.Park of forest of country of bare peak mouth: This is the natural scenery such as forest of a collect, gorge, chute the natural groove guard that is an organic whole. You can undertake hiking over, those who experience nature is wonderful.

4.Park of wet ground of Luan city bay: This is park of wet ground of a zoology, have capacious laky the vegetation with rich diversity. You can watch a bird over, row or roam by bicycle wet.

5.Beauty spot of the lake austral Tang Shan: This is scene of landscape of a collect and culture relics the scene area at an organic whole. You can visit memorial hall of relics of shake of Tang Shan earth over, what still can appreciate beauty is laky with gardens.

Besides above tourist attraction, tang Shan still has a lot of other travel tourist attractions, bay of door of stone of the county that be like Luan, abide by changes white Lu Yuan, move Xi Longquan gorge. You can undertake choosing according to your interest and time. Hope you are in Tang Shan's journey is happy!

It Suzhou summer goes where travelling is better that Suzhou summer goes where travelling?

Go hill pond street shops shop, tourist industry lake, it is summer goes one of choices with better Suzhou are in heartland of Suzhou urban district because of hill pond street, having full-bodied Wu Wen to change atmosphere, collect Suzhou gardens, ancient tunnel, characteristic is fastfood be equal to a suit, the multiple demand of OK and contented tourist in addition, suzhou still has a lot of famous park, like clumsy politics garden, leave garden to wait, visit rise exceedingly satisfied also, also be the travel tourist attraction that is worth to recommend

It summer goes where travelling is better that summer goes where travelling, is the person in Shanghai?

Summer goes south condition of Hunan Shao in relief city hill is better, main temperature compares a bottom, air is especially other and clear. Quiet. Still bright grandma is drunk. Is this am I honest home town? ? ? Also be a good place that be away for the summer holidays. Ask dear friends to come to my beautiful home town be a guest?

It Zi rich summer goes where travelling is better that Zi rich summer goes where travelling, does Zi rich summer go where travelling best?

Zi rich city is located in Shandong the province is mid, summertime air temperature is higher, but the place that periphery has a lot of to suit the summer to travel, it is a few recommend below:

1000 Fosan: Be located in Jinan city, distance Zi rich is not far, it is the travel resort with one distinguished place, there are a lot of ancient buildings and Buddhist culture relics on hill, can experience grumous historical culture breath.

Father-in-law: Be located in Tai'an city, distance Zi win is closer, it is one of Chinese the Five Mountains, summertime air temperature is inferior, can climb, admire scene, be away for the summer holidays.

Qingdao: Be located in direction of southeast of Zi rich city, it is a beautiful littoral city, summertime air temperature is appropriate, can swim, beach bath, sample seafood.

Power sea: Be located in northeast direction of Zi rich city, also be a beautiful littoral city, it is OK to have a lot of beaches and island amuse oneself, still have park of famous ocean of power sea international.
