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※「No.10 白辉士 启明者」「No.17 海恶龙」「No.20 蚁岩土 辉蚁」「No.39 希望皇 霍普」是漫画、动画里都出现的「No.卡」,而且其出现的剧情都基本一样,不列入下表。 漫画独有的No.卡基本数据漫画效果OCG效果OCG卡图No.13 该隐恶魔







登场:30回 1星怪兽×2。这张卡不会被和名字带有「No.」的怪兽以外的战斗破坏。这张卡可以攻击的场合必须作出攻击。这张卡与「No.31 亚伯恶魔」分别在自己与对方的额外卡组,并且双方基本分是游戏开始时各自基本分的一半以下的场合,自己场上的怪兽全部破坏。那之后,这张卡从额外卡组特殊召唤。这个效果把这张卡特殊召唤成功的场合,自己基本分变成1000。这张卡和「No.31 亚伯恶魔」进行战斗的场合,这张卡不会被那次战斗破坏,给与对方基本分这张卡的攻击力数值的伤害。1星怪兽×2。1回合1次,把这张卡1个超量素材取除才能发动。对方场上的怪兽全部变成表侧攻击表示,并在这个回合可以攻击的场合必须向这张卡作出攻击。这个效果在对方回合也能发动。此外,只要自己场上有「No.31 亚伯恶魔」存在,得到以下效果。●持有超量素材的这张卡不会被战斗以及效果破坏。●向这张卡的攻击发生的对自己的战斗伤害由对方代受。 No.14 强欲之死神犬







登场:34回 5星怪兽×?。这张卡不会被名字带有「No.」以外的怪兽战斗破坏。这张卡战斗破坏对方怪兽时,把这张卡1个超量素材取除才能发动。这回合自己受到的任何伤害由对方代受。那之后,选择对方场上表侧存在的1只攻击力比战斗破坏的那只怪兽的攻击力低的怪兽破坏。5星怪兽×2  ①:只要这张卡在怪兽区域存在,对方的效果发生的对自己的效果伤害由对方代受。②:这张卡战斗破坏对方怪兽送去墓地时,把这张卡1个XYZ素材取除才能发动。持有破坏的那只怪兽的原本攻击力以下的攻击力的场上的怪兽全部破坏。无No.21 冰结之正义女郎







登场:34回 6星怪兽×?。这张卡不会被名字带有「No.」以外的怪兽战斗破坏。这张卡的攻击力上升这张卡的超量素材数量×1000。1回合1次,把这张卡1个取除才能发动。把对方场上守备表示的怪兽全部破坏。6星怪兽×2  这张卡也能从自己场上的5阶的XYZ怪兽把1个XYZ素材取除,在那只XYZ怪兽上面重叠来XYZ召唤。①:这张卡的攻击力上升这张卡的XYZ素材数量×1000。②:1回合1次,把这张卡1个XYZ素材取除才能发动。对方场上的守备表示怪兽全部破坏。 No.22 不乱健







登场:17回 8星怪兽×2。这张卡不会被名字带有「No.」以外的怪兽战斗破坏。1回合1次,对方场上的卡的效果发动时,把这张卡1个超量素材取除,丢弃1张手卡才能发动。那个效果发动无效。若无效的是怪兽效果,且那只怪兽表侧在对方场上存在时,强制让此卡和那只怪兽进行战斗进行伤害计算。此外,这张卡不能对“女性怪兽”进行攻击。暗属性8星怪兽×2。这张卡不用超量召唤不能特殊召唤。1回合1次,把这张卡1个超量素材取除,把1张手卡送去墓地,选择对方场上表侧表示存在的1张卡才能发动。这张卡变成守备表示,选择的卡的效果直到结束阶段时无效。这个效果在对方回合也能发动。 No.23 冥界的灵骑士 兰斯洛特







登场:38回 8星怪兽×2。这张卡不会被「No.」怪兽以外的怪兽战斗破坏。这张卡可以直接攻击。这张卡直接攻击对方时,把对方场上持有这张卡攻击力2倍以下攻击力的怪兽全部破坏。此外,对方把怪兽的效果·魔法·陷阱卡发动时,把这张卡1个XYZ素材取除才能发动。那个发动无效。8星怪兽×2。①:持有XYZ素材的这张卡可以直接攻击。②:这张卡给与对方战斗伤害时,以对方场上1只表侧表示怪兽为对象才能发动。那只怪兽破坏。③:1回合1次,这张卡以外的怪兽的效果·魔法·陷阱卡发动时,把这张卡1个XYZ素材取除发动。那个发动无效。 No.28 巨蛾







登场:?回 7星怪兽×2。这张卡不会被和名字带有「No.」的怪兽以外的战斗破坏。这张卡直接攻击对方玩家成功的场合,把这张卡1个超量素材取除才能发动。给与对方基本分对方手卡数量×500的数值的伤害。无无No.31 亚伯恶魔







登场:30回 1星怪兽×2。这张卡不会被和名字带有「No.」的怪兽以外的战斗破坏。这张卡可以攻击的场合必须作出攻击。这张卡与「No.13 该隐恶魔」分别在自己与对方的额外卡组,并且双方基本分是游戏开始时各自基本分的一半以下的场合,自己场上的怪兽全部破坏。那之后,这张卡从额外卡组特殊召唤。这个效果把这张卡特殊召唤成功的场合,自己基本分变成1000。这张卡和「No.13 该隐恶魔」进行战斗的场合,这张卡不会被那次战斗破坏,给与对方基本分这张卡的攻击力数值的伤害。1星怪兽×2。1回合1次,把这张卡1个超量素材取除才能发动。对方场上的怪兽全部变成表侧攻击表示,并在这个回合可以攻击的场合必须向这张卡作出攻击。这个效果在对方回合也能发动。此外,只要自己场上有「No.13 该隐恶魔」存在,得到以下效果。●持有超量素材的这张卡不会被战斗以及效果破坏。●向这张卡的攻击发生的对自己的战斗伤害由对方代受。 No.42 星舰·银河战斧鹰







登场:23回 7星怪兽×2。这张卡不会被名字带有「No.」以外的怪兽战斗破坏。把这张卡1个超量素材取除才能发动。在自己场上把「战鹰衍生物」(机械族・风・6星・攻2000/守0)尽可能特殊召唤。「战鹰衍生物」当作名字带有「No.」的怪兽使用,并特殊召唤的这个回合的结束阶段时破坏。7星怪兽×2。1回合1次,把这张卡2个超量素材取除才能发动。在自己场上把「战鹰衍生物」(机械族·风·6星·攻2000/守0)尽可能特殊召唤。这个效果发动过的回合,对方玩家受到的战斗伤害变成0。此外,这个效果特殊召唤的衍生物在这个回合的结束阶段时破坏。 No.47 梦魇鲨







登场:29回 3星怪兽×2。这张卡不会被名字带有「No.」以外的怪兽战斗破坏。这张卡特殊召唤成功时,可以从自己的手卡场上选择1只水属性3星怪兽在这张卡下面重叠作为超量素材。此外,1回合1次,把这张卡1个超量素材取除,选择自己场上1只水属性怪兽才能发动。这个回合,选择的怪兽以外的怪兽不能攻击,选择的怪兽可以直接攻击对方玩家。3星怪兽×2。这张卡特殊召唤成功时,可以从自己的手卡场上选择1只水属性3星怪兽在这张卡下面重叠作为超量素材。此外,1回合1次,把这张卡1个超量素材取除,选择自己场上1只水属性怪兽才能发动。这个回合,选择的怪兽以外的怪兽不能攻击,选择的怪兽可以直接攻击对方玩家。 No.48 暗影巫妖







登场:31回 3星怪兽×2。这张卡不会被名字带有「No.」以外的怪兽战斗破坏。这张卡成为对方怪兽攻击对象、对方卡片的“破坏”或“除外”效果的对象时,在自己场上把「幻影衍生物」(恶魔族・暗・3阶・攻/守500)尽可能特殊召唤(该衍生物里侧放置,视为表侧表示),然后这张卡变成里侧表示跟自己场上的「幻影衍生物」切洗。「幻影衍生物」造成控制者的战斗伤害变成0。每当1只「幻影衍生物」破坏时,给与对方基本分那只「幻影衍生物」攻击力的伤害。1回合1次,自己的主要阶段才能发动,直到回合结束阶段,这张卡的攻击力上升自己场上「幻影衍生物」的攻击力合计。3星怪兽×2。对方回合1次,把这张卡1个超量素材取除才能发动。在自己场上把1只「幻影衍生物」(恶魔族·暗·3星·攻/守500)特殊召唤。此外,只要自己场上有「幻影衍生物」存在,对方不能把这张卡作为攻击对象。这张卡的攻击力上升自己场上的「幻影衍生物」数量×500的数值。 No.50 黑玉米号







登场:11回 4星怪兽×2。这张卡不会被名字带有「No.」以外的怪兽战斗破坏。把这张卡1个超量素材取除,选择对方场上1只怪兽才能发动。选择的怪兽破坏,给与对方基本分这个效果破坏的怪兽的攻击力数值的伤害。4星怪兽×2。1回合1次,把这张卡1个超量素材取除,选择持有这张卡的攻击力以下的攻击力的对方场上1只怪兽才能发动。选择的怪兽送去墓地,给与对方基本分1000分伤害。这个效果发动的回合这张卡不能攻击。 No.52 钻蟹王







登场:34回 4星怪兽×2。这张卡不会被名字带有「No.」以外的怪兽战斗破坏。1回合1次,把这张卡1个超量素材取除才能发动。直到结束阶段时,这张卡的守备力下降任意数值,攻击力上升那个数值,向守备表示怪兽攻击时,若攻击力超过那个守备力,给与对方基本分那个数值的战斗伤害。此外,自己的结束阶段时,场上表侧攻击表示存在的这张卡变成表侧守备表示。4星怪兽×2。1回合1次,把这张卡1个XYZ素材取除才能发动。直到回合结束时,这张卡的守备力变成0,攻击力变成3000。这张卡攻击的场合,战斗阶段结束时变成守备表示。此外,没有XYZ素材的这张卡被攻击的场合伤害步骤结束时变成攻击表示。「No.52 钻蟹王」在自己场上只能有1只表侧表示存在。 No.63 饭勺战士







登场:20回 1星怪兽×2。这张卡不会被名字带有「No.」以外的怪兽战斗破坏。?1星怪兽×2。可以把这张卡1个超量素材取除,从以下效果选择1个发动。「No.63 饭勺战士」的效果1回合只能发动1次。●下次的对方的准备阶段开始时,双方玩家从卡组抽1张卡。●双方玩家回复1000基本分。 No.70 大罪







登场:33回 4星怪兽×2。这张卡不会被名字带有「No.」以外的怪兽战斗破坏。?无无No.72 行列怪兽战车之飞车







登场:25回 6星怪兽×2。这张卡不会被和名字带有「No.」的怪兽以外的战斗破坏。这张卡存在的场上的纵列有这张卡以外的卡存在的场合,把这张卡1个超量素材取除才能发动。这张卡以外的这个纵列的卡全部破坏。6星怪兽×2。1回合1次,把这张卡2个超量素材取除,选择对方场上表侧表示存在的1只怪兽和对方场上盖放的1张魔法·陷阱卡才能发动。选择的卡破坏。这个效果发动过的回合,对方受到的战斗伤害变成一半。 No.82 心园小龙







登场:33回 4星怪兽×2。这张卡不会被和名字带有「No.」的怪兽以外的战斗破坏。1回合1次,把这张卡1个超量素材取除才能发动。这个回合,自己场上名字带有「心之怪兽」的怪兽被破坏时,给与对方基本分那些被破坏的名字带有「心之怪兽」的怪兽的攻击力合计数值的伤害。这个效果在对方回合也能发动。4星怪兽×2。只要自己场上有魔法卡表侧表示存在,对方不能把这张卡作为攻击对象。此外,1回合1次,把这张卡1个超量素材取除才能发动。这个回合,这张卡以外的怪兽不能攻击,这张卡可以直接攻击对方玩家。 No.91 雷闪龙







登场:13回 4星怪兽×5。这张卡不会被和名字带有「No.」以外的怪兽战斗破坏。1回合1次,可以从以下效果选择1个发动。●通过把这张卡3个超量素材取除,对手场上的怪兽全部破坏。●通过把这张卡5个超量素材取除,对方场上的卡全部破坏。4星怪兽×3。1回合1次,可以从以下效果选择1个发动。●通过把这张卡3个超量素材取除,这张卡以外的场上表侧表示存在的怪兽全部破坏。●通过把这张卡5个超量素材取除,对方场上的卡全部破坏。 No.95 银河眼暗物质龙

阶级:9  种族:龙族  属性:?  攻击力:0  守备力:?  持有者:八云兴司→天城快斗 9星怪兽×?。这张卡不会被和名字带有「No.」的怪兽以外的战斗破坏。这张卡的攻击力变成在作为这张卡的XYZ素材的全部怪兽的原本攻击力合计数值。这张卡特殊召唤成功时才能发动。从自己卡组选择龙族怪兽任意数量从游戏中除外。那之后,从对方卡组选择那个除外数量的怪兽从游戏中除外。此外,这张卡和对方怪兽进行战斗的战斗步骤时,可以把那1只对方怪兽和这张卡从游戏中除外。   9星怪兽×3  这张卡也能在自己场上的「ギャラクシーアイズ」XYZ怪兽上面重叠来XYZ召唤。这张卡不能作为XYZ召唤的素材。①:这张卡XYZ召唤成功时,从自己卡组把龙族怪兽3种类各1只送去墓地才能发动。对方从卡组把3只怪兽除外。②:把这张卡1个XYZ素材取除才能发动。这个回合,这张卡在同1次的战斗阶段中最多2次可以向怪兽攻击。  「SNo.」,「S」的注音为“シャイニング”,即Shining,这正好于动画里的「CNo.」中的「C」表示的“混沌”相反。漫画第32回,游马和星光首次使用「SNo.39 希望皇 ホープONE」,召唤辞:シャイニング・エクシーズ・チェンジ!宇宙の秩序乱されしとき混沌を照らす一筋の希望が降临する!见参!シャイニングNo.39希望皇ホープONE!! 基本信息漫画效果OCG效果OCG图片SNo.39 希望皇霍普ONE






持有者:星光&游马 光属性4星怪兽×3。这张卡也能在自己场上的「No.39 希望皇霍普」上面把这张卡重叠作超量召唤。把自己的基本分变成1,把这张卡的超量素材全部除取才能发动。对方场上的怪兽全部除外,给予对方基本分那些怪兽攻击力总和的伤害。光属性4星怪兽×3。这张卡也能在自己场上的「No.39 希望皇霍普」上面把这张卡重叠来超量召唤。自己基本分比对方少3000以上的场合,把这张卡3个超量素材取除,把基本分支付到变成10才能发动。对方场上的特殊召唤的怪兽全部破坏并从游戏中除外。那之后,给与对方基本分这个效果除外的怪兽数量×300的数值的伤害。


The card blaming animal in ※ caricature still has " sexual distinction " this concept (include the male, female and asexuality 3 kinds) , the proper motion of strange animal about that goes up according to blocking a plan please is judged. (be aimed at " No.22 " original work effect)

The ramification in ※ caricature also can be put in the class. (be aimed at " No.48 " original work effect)

The effect character that animal blames in ※ caricature always is written not complete (be like " No. Card " can by " No. Card " the effect with broken battle is not written completely, essence this effect is existence) , and completely non-standard (can write a few words only because of the card in caricature) , of next the outside and the inside " caricature effect " blame animal to the expression in caricature induces and come according to that.

※ " No.10 Bai Hui person open bright person " " No.17 sea evil dragon " " earth of No.20 formic cliff brightness formic " " Huo Pu of No.39 hope emperor " be appear in caricature, animation " No. Card " , and the gut that its appear is basic and same, do not include next lists. The No with particular cartoon. Block OCG of effect of OCG of effect of basic data caricature to block devil of graph No.13 this concealed

Class: 1

Attribute: Dark

Phyletic: Diabolical

ATK: 500

DEF: 500

Hold person: Umbra → fights You Ma of → starlight & quickly

Come on stage: 30 times 1 star blames animal × 2. This piece of card won't be mixed the name is contained " No. " the battle beyond strange animal is destroyed. The circumstance that this piece of card can atttack must make charge. This piece of card and " No.31 Abe is diabolical " be in respectively the additional check group of oneself and the other side, the circumstance under the in part that and bilateral and main component is game distributes basically severally in the begining, the strange animal on him field is destroyed entirely. After that, this piece of card from additional check group special call. This effect blocks this piece the circumstance with special successful call, oneself are divided basically become 1000. This piece of card and " No.31 Abe is diabolical " the situation that has a fight, this piece of card won't be fought to destroy by that, accord the other side divides the harm of the assault force numerical value of this piece of card basically. 1 star blames animal × 2. 1 bout 1, get stuck this piece 1 to exceed quantity material to take start except ability. The strange animal on field of the other side becomes the attack that express side to express entirely, the circumstance that can atttack in this bout must make charge to this piece of card. This effect also can be started in bout of the other side. In addition, should have on him field only " No.31 Abe is diabolical " existence, get the following result. ● hold exceeds this Zhang Ka that measures material to won't be destroyed by battle and effect. The to oneself battle harm of the attack happening that ● blocks to this piece is sufferred by generation of the other side. No.14 is strong desire Azrael dog

Class: 5

Attribute: ?

Phyletic: ?

ATK: 2500

DEF: 1500

Hold person: 8 cloud start department

Come on stage: Do 34 times 5 stars blame animal × ? . This piece of card won't be contained by the name " No. " the battle blaming animal beyond is destroyed. When war of this piece of card destroys the other side to blame animal, get stuck this piece 1 to exceed quantity material to take start except ability. Any harm that this him bout gets are sufferred by generation of the other side. After that, the strange animal with the assault small force of that strange animal that an assault force that side existence expresses on field of choice the other side destroys than the battle is destroyed. 2   of × of 5 stars strange animal   ① : Want this piece of card to exist in strange animal area only, the to oneself effect harm that the effect of the other side produces is sufferred by generation of the other side. ② : When war of this piece of card destroys the other side to blame animal to send graveyard, this material of a XYZ takes Zhang Ka to be started except ability. The strange animal on the atttacks the assault force under force originally field of that strange animal that hold destroys is destroyed entirely. Put the just young woman of the knot on the ice without No.21

Class: 6

Attribute: ?

Phyletic: ?

ATK: 500

DEF: 500

Hold person: 8 cloud start department

Come on stage: Do 34 times 6 stars blame animal × ? . This piece of card won't be contained by the name " No. " the battle blaming animal beyond is destroyed. The assault force of this piece of card rises the × of amount of material exceeding an amount of this piece of card 1000. 1 bout 1, get stuck this piece 1 to take start except ability. the fielding on field of the other side denotive strange animal is destroyed entirely. 2   of × of 6 stars strange animal get stuck this piece to also can go up from him field 5 rank XYZ strange animal takes material of a XYZ except, blame in that XYZ jackknife comes to XYZ call above animal. ① : The assault force of this piece of card rises the × of XYZ material amount of this piece of card 1000. ② : 1 bout 1, this material of a XYZ takes Zhang Ka to be started except ability. The fielding on field of the other side states strange animal is destroyed entirely. No.22 is not random be good at

Class: 8

Attribute: Dark

Phyletic: Not dead

ATK: 4500

DEF: 1000

Hold person: You Ma of & of starlight of → of Long aing jade-like stone

Come on stage: 17 times 8 stars blame animal × 2. This piece of card won't be contained by the name " No. " the battle blaming animal beyond is destroyed. 1 bout 1, when the effect of the card on field of the other side is started, get stuck this piece 1 to exceed quantity material to take except, discard 1 piece of hands block ability to start. That effect is started invalid. If invalid is strange animal effect, and when that strange animal expresses side to exist on field of the other side, let compulsively this gets stuck and blame animal to undertake fighting undertaking harming computation only then. In addition, this piece of card cannot is opposite " the female blames animal " have charge. 8 stars blame dark attribute animal × 2. This piece of card need not exceed quantity call cannot special call. 1 bout 1, get stuck this piece 1 to exceed quantity material to take except, send graveyard check of 1 piece of hands, the ability of 1 piece of card that side of the watch on field of choice the other side shows to exist is started. This piece of card becomes fielding to express, the effect of the card of the choice till the end disable when level. This effect also can be started in bout of the other side. The clever knight Lan Siluo of No.23 dark bound is special

Class: 8

Attribute: Dark

Phyletic: Not dead

ATK: 2000

DEF: 1500

Hold person: 8 cloud start department

Come on stage: 38 times 8 stars blame animal × 2. This piece of card won't by " No. " the battle blaming animal beyond strange animal is destroyed. This piece blocks OK and direct assault. When this piece of card atttacks the other side directly, the hold on field of the other side the strange animal of force of 2 times the following assault destroys force of assault of this piece of card entirely. In addition, when the card of trap of · of effect · blackart strange animal is started, this material of a XYZ takes Zhang Ka to be started except ability. That is started invalid. 8 stars blame animal × 2. ① : This piece of card of hold XYZ material can be atttacked directly. ② : When battle of the other side of accord of this piece of card is harmed, with on field of the other side 1 watch side states strange animal is object ability to start. That strange animal is destroyed. ③ : 1 bout 1, when the card of trap of · of effect · blackart of the strange animal beyond this piece of card is started, block this piece material of a XYZ is taken except start. That is started invalid. No.28 gigantic moth

Class: 7

Attribute: ?

Phyletic: ?

ATK: 2400

DEF: ?

Hold person: 8 cloud promote department → this world to fight → 8 cloud start department

Come on stage: ? Answer 7 stars to blame animal × 2. This piece of card won't be mixed the name is contained " No. " the battle beyond strange animal is destroyed. This piece of card atttacks player of the other side's successful circumstance directly, get stuck this piece 1 to exceed quantity material to take start except ability. Accord the other side divides hand of the other side basically to block quantitative × the numeric harm of 500. Without without No.31 Abe devil

Rank: 1

Attribute: Dark

Phyletic: Diabolical

ATK: 500

DEF: 500

Hold person: You Ma of & of starlight of → of umbra → shark

Come on stage: 30 times 1 star blames animal × 2. This piece of card won't be mixed the name is contained " No. " the battle beyond strange animal is destroyed. The circumstance that this piece of card can atttack must make charge. This piece of card and " No.13 this concealed is diabolical " be in respectively the additional check group of oneself and the other side, the circumstance under the in part that and bilateral and main component is game distributes basically severally in the begining, the strange animal on him field is destroyed entirely. After that, this piece of card from additional check group special call. This effect blocks this piece the circumstance with special successful call, oneself are divided basically become 1000. This piece of card and " No.13 this concealed is diabolical " the situation that has a fight, this piece of card won't be fought to destroy by that, accord the other side divides the harm of the assault force numerical value of this piece of card basically. 1 star blames animal × 2. 1 bout 1, get stuck this piece 1 to exceed quantity material to take start except ability. The strange animal on field of the other side becomes the attack that express side to express entirely, the circumstance that can atttack in this bout must make charge to this piece of card. This effect also can be started in bout of the other side. In addition, should have on him field only " No.13 this concealed is diabolical " existence, get the following result. ● hold exceeds this Zhang Ka that measures material to won't be destroyed by battle and effect. The to oneself battle harm of the attack happening that ● blocks to this piece is sufferred by generation of the other side. Eagle of galactic battle-ax of · of No.42 star naval vessel

Class: 7

Attribute: Wind

Phyletic: Mechanical

ATK: 0

DEF: 3000

Hold person: Yi amounts to You Ma of → starlight & than the road

Come on stage: 23 times 7 stars blame animal × 2. This piece of card won't be contained by the name " No. " the battle blaming animal beyond is destroyed. Get stuck this piece 1 to exceed quantity material to take start except ability. Go up in him field " fighting eagle ramification " (machinery a group of things with common features? Wind? 6 stars? Attack 2000/ to defend 0) as far as possible special call. " fighting eagle ramification " regard as the name is contained " No. " strange animal is used, the end of this bout of special call is destroyed when level. 7 stars blame animal × 2. 1 bout 1, get stuck this piece 2 to exceed quantity material to take start except ability. Go up in him field " fighting eagle ramification " (6 stars · attacks · of wind of · of machinery a group of things with common features 2000/ is defended 0) as far as possible special call. This effect starts the round that pass, the battle harm that player of the other side gets becomes 0. In addition, when ending phase, the ramification of special call destroys this effect in this bout. No.47 nightmare shark

Class: 3

Attribute: Water

Phyletic: Sea otter

ATK: 2000

DEF: 2000

Hold person: Shark of that →

Come on stage: 29 times 3 stars blame animal × 2. This piece of card won't be contained by the name " No. " the battle blaming animal beyond is destroyed. When this piece blocks special call to succeed, can choose property of a water from his hand card field 3 stars blame animal to overlap below this piece of card as material exceeding an amount. In addition, 1 bout 1, get stuck this piece 1 to exceed quantity material to take except, choose property of a water to blame animal ability to start. This bout, the strange animal beyond the strange animal of the choice cannot be atttacked, the strange animal of the choice can atttack player of the other side directly. 3 stars blame animal × 2. When this piece blocks special call to succeed, can choose property of a water from his hand card field 3 stars blame animal to overlap below this piece of card as material exceeding an amount. In addition, 1 bout 1, get stuck this piece 1 to exceed quantity material to take except, choose property of a water to blame animal ability to start. This bout, the strange animal beyond the strange animal of the choice cannot be atttacked, the strange animal of the choice can atttack player of the other side directly. Bewitching of No.48 shadow witch

Class: 3

Attribute: Dark

Phyletic: Not dead

ATK: 1800

DEF: 0

Hold person: You Ma of & of umbra → starlight

Come on stage: 31 times 3 stars blame animal × 2. This piece of card won't be contained by the name " No. " the battle blaming animal beyond is destroyed. This piece of card becomes the other side to blame animal to atttack card of object, the other side " destroy " or " except " when the object of the effect, go up in him field " illusive ramification " (devil a group of things with common features? Dark? 3 rank? Attack / defend 500) as far as possible special call (the side in this ramification is placed, regard watch side as to express) , next this piece of card becomes li of side to express to go up with him field " illusive ramification " cut wash. " illusive ramification " the battle harm of the person that cause control becomes 0. Every time 1 " illusive ramification " when destroying, accord the other side divides that basically " illusive ramification " the harm that atttacks force. 1 bout 1, oneself main stage ability is started, end phase till the bout, the assault force of this piece of card rises on him field " illusive ramification " assault force is total. 3 stars blame animal × 2. Bout of the other side 1, get stuck this piece 1 to exceed quantity material to take start except ability. Go up in him field 1 " illusive ramification " (3 stars · attacks dark · of · of devil a group of things with common features / defend 500) special call. In addition, should have on him field only " illusive ramification " existence, the other side cannot regard attack object as this piece of card. The assault force of this piece of card rises on him field " illusive ramification " quantitative × the numerical value of 500. Date of No.50 jet rice

Class: 4

Attribute: Dark

Phyletic: Plant

ATK: 2100

DEF: 1500

Hold person: You Ma of & of starlight of corn captain →

Come on stage: 11 times 4 stars blame animal × 2. This piece of card won't be contained by the name " No. " the battle blaming animal beyond is destroyed. Get stuck this piece 1 to exceed quantity material to take except, choose ability of a strange animal to start. The strange animal of the choice is destroyed, the assault force of the strange animal that accord the other side divides this effect basically to destroy is harmed numericly. 4 stars blame animal × 2. 1 bout 1, get stuck this piece 1 to exceed quantity material to take except, ability of a strange animal is started. The strange animal of the choice sends graveyard, accord the other side divides 1000 minutes of harm basically. This piece of card cannot atttack the round that this effect starts. No.52 gets crab king

Class: 4


Phyletic: Rock

ATK: 0

DEF: 3000

Hold person: 8 cloud of → of heart city gentleman start department

Come on stage: 34 times 4 stars blame animal × 2. This piece of card won't be contained by the name " No. " the battle blaming animal beyond is destroyed. 1 bout 1, get stuck this piece 1 to exceed quantity material to take start except ability. Till the end when level, the fielding force of this piece of card drops random is numeric, assault force rises that is numeric, when stating to fielding strange animal is atttacked, if atttack force to exceed that fielding power, accord the other side divides that numeric battle basically to harm. In addition, when oneself end phase, attack of side of the watch on field states this piece of card of existence becomes the fielding that express side to express. 4 stars blame animal × 2. 1 bout 1, this material of a XYZ takes Zhang Ka to be started except ability. When ending till the bout, the fielding force of this piece of card becomes 0, assault force becomes 3000. This piece blocks the circumstance of attack, when phases ends, the battle becomes fielding to express. In addition, when measure ends, the circumstance harm that is atttacked without this piece of card of XYZ material becomes attack to express. " No.52 gets crab king " there can be side of a watch to express to exist only on him field. Soldier of No.63 meal spoon

Class: 1

Attribute: Smooth

Phyletic: Angel

ATK: 0

DEF: 2000

Hold person: Shark of → of boss of warm complacently dining room

Come on stage: 20 times 1 star blames animal × 2. This piece of card won't be contained by the name " No. " the battle blaming animal beyond is destroyed. ? 1 star blames animal × 2. Can get stuck this piece 1 to exceed quantity material to take except, from the following effect the choice is started 1 times. " soldier of No.63 meal spoon " 1 bout can start the effect 1 times only. ● next time the preparative phase of the other side in the begining, bilateral player takes 1 piece of card from card group. ● bilateral player replies 1000 main component. No.70 great pain

Class: 4

Attribute: ?

Phyletic: ?

ATK: 2400

DEF: ?

Hold person: 8 cloud start department

Come on stage: 33 times 4 stars blame animal × 2. This piece of card won't be contained by the name " No. " the battle blaming animal beyond is destroyed. ? Without the flying car that blames animal chariot without No.72 cavalcade

Class: 6 rank


Phyletic: Animal soldier

ATK: 2500

DEF: 1200

Hold person: → of flying car horn is fought quickly

Come on stage: 25 times 6 stars blame animal × 2. This piece of card won't be mixed the name is contained " No. " the battle beyond strange animal is destroyed. The vertical row on this piece of field that blocks existence has the situation that the card beyond this piece of card exists, get stuck this piece 1 to exceed quantity material to take start except ability. The card of this vertical row beyond this piece of card is destroyed entirely. 6 stars blame animal × 2. 1 bout 1, get stuck this piece 2 to exceed quantity material to take except, the trap of · of 1 piece of blackart that 1 when side of the watch on field of choice the other side expresses to exist strange animal and upper cover of field of the other side put blocks ability to start. The card of the choice is destroyed. This effect starts the round that pass, the battle harm that the other side gets becomes an in part. Small dragon of No.82 heart garden

Class: 4


Phyletic: Dragon

ATK: 2000

DEF: 1500

Hold person: 8 cloud of → of heart city gentleman start department

Come on stage: 33 times 4 stars blame animal × 2. This piece of card won't be mixed the name is contained " No. " the battle beyond strange animal is destroyed. 1 bout 1, get stuck this piece 1 to exceed quantity material to take start except ability. This bout, the name on him field is contained " the strange animal of the heart " when strange animal is destroyed, the name that accord the other side divides those basically to be destroyed is contained " the strange animal of the heart " the harm with the assault aggregate and numeric force of strange animal. This effect also can be started in bout of the other side. 4 stars blame animal × 2. There should be blackart to block watch side to express to exist on him field only, the other side cannot regard attack object as this piece of card. In addition, 1 bout 1, get stuck this piece 1 to exceed quantity material to take start except ability. This bout, the strange animal beyond this piece of card cannot be atttacked, this piece of card can atttack player of the other side directly. No.91 thunder shows dragon

Class: 4

Attribute: Smooth

Phyletic: Dragon

ATK: 2400

DEF: 2000

Hold person: Thunder shows You Ma of → starlight &

Come on stage: 13 times 4 stars blame animal × 5. This piece of card won't be mixed the name is contained " No. " the battle blaming animal beyond is destroyed. 1 bout 1, can choose 1 to start from the following effect. ● is divided through blocking this piece to exceed quantity material 3 times to take, the strange animal on adversary field is destroyed entirely. ● is divided through blocking this piece to exceed quantity material 5 times to take, the card on field of the other side is destroyed entirely. 4 stars blame animal × 3. 1 bout 1, can choose 1 to start from the following effect. ● is divided through blocking this piece to exceed quantity material 3 times to take, the strange animal that side of the watch on the field beyond this piece of card shows to exist is destroyed entirely. ● is divided through blocking this piece to exceed quantity material 5 times to take, the card on field of the other side is destroyed entirely. Dragon of dark material of No.95 galactic eye

Class: 9   are phyletic: Attribute of dragon a group of things with common features: ? Assault force: Force of 0   fielding: ? Hold person: Do 8 cloud promote city of department → day to fight 9 stars quickly to blame animal × ? . This piece of card won't be mixed the name is contained " No. " the battle beyond strange animal is destroyed. The assault force of this piece of card becomes in the XYZ material that regards this as Zhang Ka blame animal entirely atttack force originally total numerical value. This piece of ability when blocking special call to succeed is started. From oneself card group chooses dragon a group of things with common features to blame animal random amount from the except in game. After that, the strange animal that chooses that except amount from group of card of the other side from the except in game. In addition, when the action move that strange animal of this piece of card and the other side has fighting, can mix strange animal of those 1 the other side this piece to get stuck from the except in game. 3   of × of 9 stars strange animal get stuck this piece to also can go up in him field " ズ of イ of ア of ー of シ of ク of ギ ャ ラ " jackknife comes to XYZ call above XYZ strange animal. This piece of card cannot regard XYZ as the material of call. ① : When call of XYZ of this piece of card is successful, get stuck from oneself group 3 sort send a strange animal of dragon a group of things with common features 1 times each graveyard gift start. The other side blames 3 from card group animal except. ② : this material of a XYZ takes Zhang Ka to be started except ability. This bout, this piece of card is most in the battle phase that is the same as 1 times can atttack 2 times to strange animal. " SNo. " , " S " phonetic notation is " グ of ン of ニ of シ ャ イ " , namely Shining, this as it happens at animation in " CNo. " medium " C " denotive " muddleheaded " contrary. Caricature the 32nd, you Ma and starlight are used first " ONE of プ of ー of ホ of SNo.39 hope emperor " , call demit: グ of ン of ニ of シ ャ イ ? ズ of ー of エ ク シ ? ジ of チ ェ ン ! Muddleheaded を of き of と of し of れ of random さ of cosmic の order illuminates ら す る of す of advent of が of hope of one muscle の ! See ginseng! ONE of プ of ー of ホ of emperor of hope of No.39 of グ of ン of ニ of シ ャ イ ! ! ONE of suddenly general of emperor of hope of SNo.39 of picture of OCG of effect of OCG of effect of basic message caricature

Class: 4

Attribute: Smooth

Phyletic: Soldier

ATK: 2510

DEF: 2000

Hold person: 4 stars blame attribute of starlight & You Maguang animal × 3. This piece blocks what also can go up in him field " Huo Pu of No.39 hope emperor " above overlap this Zhang Ka call exceeding an amount. Become oneself main branch 1, the material exceeding an amount that blocks this piece is divided entirely take ability to start. The strange animal on field of the other side is entire except, give the other side to divide those strange animal basically to atttack the harm of force summation. 4 stars blame smooth attribute animal × 3. This piece blocks what also can go up in him field " Huo Pu of No.39 hope emperor " above come to jackknife of this piece of card to exceed quantity call. Oneself are divided basically less than the other side the circumstance of 3000 above, get stuck this piece 3 to exceed quantity material to take except, pay basic cent to become 10 ability to start. The strange animal of the special call on field of the other side is destroyed entirely and from the except in game. After that, the × of strange animal amount that accord the other side divides this effect except basically the numeric harm of 300.
